ogle and xpuyo- JOHN READ THIS!

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: ogle and xpuyo- JOHN READ THIS!
started by: Ivo

Posted by Ivo on April 04 2004,08:30
i just downloaded a variant from dsl called puppy linux, and the only things that made it better than dsl were:

-xpuyopuyo: an amazingly fun game, much more fun than xpacman, and its tiny. i think it should replace xpacman < http://chaos2.org/xpuyopuyo/ > screenshot: < http://chaos2.org/xpuyopuyo/screenshots/spheres.png >

-ogle: a nice and also tiny dvd player! all other mini-distros have dvd, why not dsl? in the puppy version the guy made a script that economizes space by supprimating the gui, and autodetectiung and launching the dvd. you could try that from puppy linux. < http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/groups/dvd/ >

i think with those two things, dsl would be perfect.

Posted by Grim on April 04 2004,11:47
Personally, I'd rather have mplayer than xmms, xine, ogle, ogg123, mpg123, etc.  And we probably would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for W32Codecs and those darn meddling libs.  

Mplayer is HUGE, and yet I love it.  If busybox is a Swiss Army knife, then mplayer is a Ginsu.  You could use it to saw through a rear axle and then easily slice tomatoes.

However (comma) Mplayer will never be added due to its size, and I have a niggling little suspicion that ogle + ogle_gui + libs = too freakin big, but then again, what do I know, I vote Republican.

Posted by GuillaumeH on April 05 2004,12:49
I agree about Xpuyopuyo, but I don't think ogle is necessary.
Posted by schopenhauer101 on April 06 2004,00:33
What about something almost like mplayer, but that could bee run like an install script or from a tar? Would it parhaps be necessary to "ctrl+alt+backspc" and restart X before running? I dont know, im just thinking loud.

Take care
/ Björn.

Posted by Grim on April 06 2004,01:24
I've tried remastering DSL to include Mplayer (just to see if it could be done) and it can't be done.  Mplayer reguires libGl.so (openGl-libs) which is(are) part of the full XFree implementation.

I'm pretty sure Ogle shares many of the dependancies that Mplayer has, so I would assume it would be out as well.

I've done a little research into the matter to see if there's any other way to add DVD playback support to DSL and found a couple of promising plugins for xmms.  Sadly enough, they both rely on either Ogle or Mplayer, so we're back to square one.

This problem is primarily due to the limitations of the xvesa and framebuffer Xservers. However, due to many major distributions dropping future implementations of XFree, it's only a matter of time until xvesa&framebuffer are up to the task.

Posted by hasty on April 06 2004,08:16
"However, due to many major distributions dropping future implementations of XFree, it's only a matter of time until xvesa&framebuffer are up to the task. "

I was wondering about this also.........

Posted by cbagger01 on April 06 2004,17:41
Consider me out of the loop but,

why are many major distributions dropping XFree86?

and if so, what are they using as an XWindows server instead of XFree86?

Posted by Grim on April 07 2004,00:36
< XFree86 4.4: List of Rejecting Distributors Grows >
< Fedora Prepares For Xorg Instead of XFree86 >
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