GCCForum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions Topic: GCC started by: Bilal Posted by Bilal on April 12 2004,06:20
i really like DSL as it can be loaded into ram and then used from there, but to do some serious development with DSL i think gcc at least C part of it has to be available, so that we can compile the kernel , do system programming and other stuff that a developer my need.how big would DSL become with gnu C compiler in it ?? Posted by cbagger01 on April 12 2004,17:15
Don't know for sure, but the quick answer is: A LOT bigger.The only guideline that I can use is the GCC compiler download package for the Peanut Linux operating system. This package contains GCC itself along with some other utilities and libraries that are commonly used in the compiling of source code. Size: About 50MB or so. Posted by PhrozenFear on May 11 2004,01:20
Yeah, GCC is only available to you if you apt-get it.
Posted by sjmelia on May 11 2004,01:30
Perhaps this is an appropriate place to post my query ![]() I apt-got gcc-3.0 but upon trying to compile a hello world program I got a load of error messages, which all seem to stem from the line #include <stdio_lim.h> inside stdio.h. I have no idea why I don't have stdio_lim - looking around on the web it seems to be present everywhere else! I thought not having "make" might have something to do with it, (casting desperately about for ideas) but I apt-got that too and it had no effect. Any thoughts on what's going on? So far DSL is great for me - after breaking my HD install about five times (deleting /usr/, busybox, that kind of stuff) I think i'm finally getting to grips with it ![]() UPDATE: forewarning - i'm not using the most recent edition of DSL, although i'm pretty sure it's > 6. To solve this: (After much investigation about what libc6-dev is) The version of libc6 included with my DSL is from the debian unstable packages, my apt-get was set to get it from stable, causing a dependency mix up because of the versions. So, using a web browser I downloaded: (all the latest versions as far as I could see, so from unstable) linux-kernel-headers (needed by libc6-dev) libc6 (needed by everything apparently) libc6-dev and did "dpkg -i" on the lot of them, in that order. It's a crap walkthrough I know, but nobody else seems to have had these problems ![]() My one query is why apt-get didn't auto-get libc6-dev with gcc since it seems necessary to compile anything except the most basic of programs? |