Would microwindows be of use?

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Would microwindows be of use?
started by: THEBINARYMAN

Posted by THEBINARYMAN on May 05 2004,13:12
Hey guys, bit of a linux newbie here made into a believer when I saw your distro.

I volunteer most of my time as a tech to a non-profit organization and since we have to use old hardware, I can tell you that your distro fits the bill very nicely in getting our rears on-line.

However, I will make a few suggestions because I was attempting to do the very same thing with freedos for a while (Hey don't laugh. It ALMOST worked using a freedos/Arachne combo).

Would DSL be slimmer if it used Nano-X with the NXLIB instead of it's current X-server? The current NXLIB Project, a companion project to Microwindows  allows X11 binaries to run unmodified using the Microwindows Nano-X server. Sounds like it would be interesting if DSL would become a fierce competitor to white dwarf in the realm of embedded systems.

You can find out more at microwindows.org

Also, I would be for placing a few extra scripts that are like the ones you used for the firebird download. I suggest GAIM since it's in my experience that what people use the net for is browse/music/chat and pretty much nothing else. The current chat softwares used in this distro are fine for old tinkerers and script monkeys like us. We can handle it. However, for the complete novice, it can be overwhelming.

Still all and out, I think this distro still whips the penguin's ass!!


Posted by KnightFire on May 06 2004,05:39

 I too have used the 'DOS/Arachne combo in the past with varying results.
 I like the GAIM suggestion.
 I would add a request to be able to select a download location from other than the default.
 As for Nano-X... had some difficulties with it in the past and gave up on it... can't offer a recent opinion of it though.  That said, I'm happy with what works now... it is based on Knoppix afterall... can't go changing too much, eh ;^D


Posted by THEBINARYMAN on May 06 2004,13:25
Too true. Why mess with perfection?

But the Gaim script is something worth looking at. I just thought the script used for Firefox was a stroke of genius. It would be a simple matter as well to do the same with gaim.

I've had a look at gaim v.77 and found it to be satisfying. Once that is included, we may just have something that I might hook up a ton of non-profits with it.

Oh BTW...This week-end I am about to put DSL thru a nice test of fire. I am going to see if I can get my father to set it up with ease on his computer AND test it with Bell Sympatico's ADSL modems on the first shot.

It would be interesting if it does. I'll give you a full report when done.


Posted by AwPhuch on May 14 2004,20:45
How compatible would microwindows or Nano-X be to DSL?
Would it be better than the standard X?  How much resources does the regular X use compared to microwindows or Nano-X?


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