Tools to work with NTForum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions Topic: Tools to work with NT started by: pvb Posted by pvb on July 17 2004,05:54
Hi John,I know that DLS is not really a recovery disk, but I would like to have a tool called chntpw in the base iso. It is very small and has a NT registry editor built in. Here is the link to the site. < Offline NT Password > There is a deb file in testing and unstable. It seems to work well the couple of times I used it. I have to work with a lot of NT systems every day. Some of them are not always on the network. Would it be posible to add some updated NTFS dirvers or NTFS tools that can work on the local disks? I think you have to update the kernel or load some modules. I would remaster the disk with a new kernal, but that is a bit beyond my abilities at this time. You should see the look on my co-workers faces when I boot up a full GUI from a 50M CD. Thanks for your efforts. They do not go unappreciated. pvb. Posted by melange8272 on July 27 2004,14:25
I too would like a tool for winblows.. I noticed on the latest version of knoppix that there is support for NTFS writing through a script of some sort - looks like it uses the licenced drivers on the w32 machine to access it. Quite cool, and would be useful when you're cleaning up after the idiots that make 3 times your salary and can't remember a password! ![]() Posted by sonica on Mar. 20 2005,17:58
i'd really like to see Offline NT Password in DSL soon!thanks sonica Posted by l0st on Mar. 21 2005,10:15
it's captive NTFS I believe It's been brought up before but went back into the scenes unnoticed*cough Posted by janka on April 02 2005,09:14
uh... is there other people interested in this? Posted by tronik on April 02 2005,12:37
Thats all well and good, but a DSL package would probably be better than adding it to the base ISO. Why? Space in the base ISO will probably be used to make functionality for the masses a bigger priority than for those who want to use DSL primarily as a rescue Utility disk.I think it would be GREAT if someone made these Packages as myDSL extensions and sent them in. Try posting about it in the myDSL extensions thread and lets see if we can't get some people working on it. Posted by GRAWL on April 03 2005,08:42
HOW many active MYDSL CONtrivbut0rs are there
Posted by cbagger01 on April 04 2005,03:19
There is a small development team that work on improving the base distribution. John, Roberts and Ke4nt1 come to mind.But there is also a decent sized user community that offers improvements in the form of myDSL extension contributions or suggestions for improvement. So if you want to build a nttools.dsl extension and submit it for everyone else to use, go right ahead. |