rss feeds?

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: rss feeds?
started by: jbrandligt

Posted by jbrandligt on Aug. 25 2005,11:27

Would it be possible to provide rss feeds of the forums and new posts? This would make it a lot easyer to see whats going on on the forums without actualy having to go there. Or is this a feature that Ikonboard doesn't support?

Posted by adssse on Aug. 25 2005,20:18
That would be kind of a nice touch. I believe I had read some where that Ikonboard can be made to support rss, not sure though.
Posted by Blurg on Aug. 25 2005,21:11
Rss support could be a real improvement.

Found some RSS ikonboard hacks here:
<;f=20;t=14 >
<;f=18;t=2345 >

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 26 2005,02:35
If you click the "New Posts" link, it will show you all new posts since your last visit.
Posted by jbrandligt on Aug. 29 2005,15:42
Yes, I know about the "new posts" link. I just think it would be nice  to see them in my live bookmarks in firefox. That would save me some clicks, I guess I'm a lazy surfer ;-)
Posted by Linuturk on Jan. 14 2006,20:32
I would like to see rss support too. With the new google personilized homepage, I can view recent posts on all the forums I frequent on one page. Anyway this can happen?


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