Dillo bug

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Dillo bug
started by: WDef

Posted by WDef on Nov. 07 2005,10:36
After compiling newer dillo "internationalisation" sources on Debian Sarge and loading onto dsl, the dillo < bug > in dsl-1.5 re cut and paste is gone. (Trying to compile this on dsl led to glib problems).

Haven't tried to determine which file is the problem so have included all here:
< dillo-i18n-0.8.5-20051010.dsl >

Have forwarded to the repo - perhaps this'll get fixed in due course so won't need to stay there.

Posted by WDef on Nov. 11 2005,06:56
Would it be safe to assume that the lack of response to this post or from extensions-at-damnsmall... means I'm the only one experiencing this issue on dsl-1.5?

If so, might someone do me the honor of informing me ..?

Posted by mikshaw on Nov. 11 2005,15:43
It could be because 0.8.5-i18n-misc has already been incorporated into DSL2.0 =o)
Posted by roberts on Nov. 12 2005,16:17
I have not experienced the cut and paste bug in Dillo.
On the other hand I am not involved with Dillo so my experience is that of a user of Dillo. Do you have other extensions loaded when you have experienced this?

Posted by John on Nov. 12 2005,21:32
I have had cut and paste issues on my Debian desktop too, but not on the build I did for DSL inside DSL.  There are some other bugs in this version of Dillo too, for instance trying to download a file in SquirrelMail will cause it to crash.  I believe that bug is cause by the way SquirrelMail sets mimetype in the header information.

You may want to ask the maintainer of the patched version and see if he has any insight.

Posted by WDef on Nov. 14 2005,15:29
Thanks to respondents.

0.8.5-i18n-misc has already been incorporated into DSL2.0

Ah-ha - that *would* render it redundant, wouldn't it? I notice this bug isn't there running 2.0RC1 under vmware. If it's gone then it's not an issue and I can forget about it - I'll post again when I get around to testing the RC's.

Do you have other extensions loaded when you have experienced this?

Yes - if it's a lib clash it goes away overwriting with my extension.


You may want to ask the maintainer of the patched version and see if he has any insight.

I'd already started corresponding - he/she tried dsl-1.5 and didn't have the same problem.

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