Free Software Donations

Forum: Linux  and Free Software
Topic: Free Software Donations
started by: spark-o-matic

Posted by spark-o-matic on Mar. 09 2008,01:03
I tryed to make a credit card donation to DSL back on 02/01/2008 but had some concerns about the security, and terms of service of the site I would be entering much personal info on.  I have a very old paypal account that hasn't been used in years and it will take some time to bring it up to date.  I e-mailed John[at].... expaining my problem.  I have yet to recieve a response (More then likely caught in a spam trap or mixed in with a million spams /day.)

How  does a small business accept a convienent yet secure payment without the costs exceding the income?  I have run into this  over the last decade with numerouse small for-profit and donation supported entities.

Some of the donation supported I work with refuse to put advertising on the content.  They will live or die by contributions from the EU.  

Thanks So Much

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