a mini all in one.. palmtop thingyForum: Hardware Talk Topic: a mini all in one.. palmtop thingy started by: MrBear37 Posted by MrBear37 on June 02 2006,14:52
Greetings all !My name is Mark, and I'm a DSL-holic. now.. I love tiny systems for a number of reasons. One of which is that I love to go camping. and I ride a motorscooter. So space is always a consideration. Especially when it comes to lugging things around. so.. before we go down the "why dont you use this or that PDA".. by and large .. they are just not my thing. THere have been a few exceptions. like the Journada.. Micro-sized. A keyboard you might actually be able to use, a screen you can see, that runs Linux well, and has the necessary connectivity functions ( Cat5/ Wireless/modem) and enough applications ( office style- a couple of tiny games- text editor etc).. ALL in a TINY and relatively light package that I dont have to sell my retirement to own. See I told you I didnt want much ![]() I loved the old journadas for this.. tiny.. useful.. Linux.. there also used to be an NEC palmtop what was very cool.. OK.. I will shut up now.. Peace ! Mark Posted by John on June 03 2006,01:25
I'd love something like that myself. I've been looking for cheap laptops which have a flash drive in place of a hard drive, and no optical drive. I could have them custom made, but I don't think the price point is right.
Posted by AwPhuch on June 03 2006,01:59
Oh wow!How freeking sweet < http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf....t=59950 > The HP Journada 680 Handheld PC ![]()
Check out the entire suite of Journada! How freeking cool! < http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf....t=13261 > Man that thing screams MADE FOR DSL!!!!! Brian AwPhuch Posted by John on June 03 2006,05:22
I believe they have StrongARM processors, so its not compatible.
Posted by MrBear37 on June 03 2006,14:36
What John says is correct. and to add my 2 cents worth.. after dooing some research.. there is a project called Familiar which is being used on the Journada.. BUT.. there are some technical limitations.. LIKE.... WIN-CRAP Modem ALERT.. and that the card bus is 16 bit NOT 32 bit so you would have to choose a slower/older Wired or Wireless Nic.....Also some of the built in functions do not work.. if you look around you will see some compatibilities .. and there are some who have put debian on it I believe.. Also there are issues with a boot loader and with file transfers.. if memory serves.. OK.. that is the caveat.. there was also a note in there ( for those who are electronic evil geniouses... that you could basically replace the board inside the unit ( thereby replacing the ROM chip.. and you should be able to do.. what eeeeeeeever you want there ![]() Just a thought.. Mark Posted by dougz on June 04 2006,18:35
Have you considered looking for a used Toshiba Libretto? No longer sold new in the US, but they actually did run Linux. About the size of a VHS casette. Definitely DSL class machines. Came out when Win 95 was current.
< Red Hat 5.0 on Libretto > However, DSL would be much more appropriate. Some folks even import current model Librettos as grey market items, but they wouldn't like be in your price range. < New Librettos > Google is your friend; you'll find lots of info. If you like them, you can find them on Ebay.
Posted by kubera on June 14 2006,01:45
Here's the question: Are the StrongARM processors not DSL-compatible because nobody's yet ported it, or because it's un-port-able? I think I may have a couple of old StrongARM PDAs gathering dust in drawers that I'd be willing to find new batteries for and maybe donate to the cause if it's simply a lack of 'test subjects' in the community. I'd have to check to make sure they're still viable. Of course, I suppose when discussing DSL-ok processors, VIAble is probably a poor word choice. Yeah, okay, I deserve to have something thrown at me for that one. Posted by cbagger01 on June 14 2006,17:33
StrongARM CPU is different from Intel 386/486/Pentium/Celeron CPUsDSL, like most Linux Livecds, is designed for use in an Intel x86 personal computer system. You could build a DSL-like livecd from scratch that could work with a StronARM processor, but it is not a trivial task. Posted by dougz on June 15 2006,00:21
Lots of hobbyist StrongARM (Intel IXP420) Linux development work is done on the hugely popular LinkSys NSLU2 box. < Home page > < CPU Overview > < FAQ > < Cool projects > Posted by MrBear37 on June 20 2006,14:30
Hey John,Would the NEC Mobile Pro 770 work ? Its Mips Based I believe.. ? there are a couple in this arena that look somewhat promising that are not StrongARM based I believe ? THanks ! Mark Posted by dougz on June 20 2006,23:34
Thoughts from a not-John...
Yes, it is MIPS. For some reason, it is easy to find BSD Unix, but not Linux. Both the 770 and the IBM Z50 near-clone were popular. < MIPs PDAs > < User experience > < X with TWM window mgr > < NetBSD on IBM Z50 > < BSD Forums > If one really liked the hardware, BSD would be a better choice since most of the hard work has been done. However, the screen is really not optimal for X. It made a better character mode box for remote admin work. I think that most people found that the StrongARM & MIPs were too much work for too little function. Also, not much of a market. Sharp pulled Zaurus & Toshiba pulled Libretto. Current devices, many of which are not imported to the US but can be bought "grey market." < Linux PDAs > People who need tiny laptops use something like the Sony Vaio T boxes, which are compatible with Debian. < Debian on Vaio > |