about flua and lua?

Forum: Programming and Scripting
Topic: about flua and lua?
started by: kuangtu

Posted by kuangtu on Sep. 01 2006,01:32
In dsl there are some scripts executed by flua.

Being an extension language, Lua has no notion of a "main" program: it only works embedded in a host client, called the embedding program or simply the host.

how get the flua from lua?
i am confused by some lines in flua script.
for example:
    w = Window(........), how draw a window in X window(i replace the Xvesa using X window)?


Posted by mikshaw on Sep. 01 2006,02:37
If this helps, Lua-FLTK (flua) isn't really Lua. It's a binding of FLTK widgets to the Lua language.  I'm not sure how much Lua is actually in it...could be all, or could just be parts....i dunno.

But in hopes of answering your question (i'm not really sure what you're asking), "Window{...}" is built into flua.  It's one of the many FLTK widgets, and is not affected by whether you are using Xvesa or Xfree86.

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