DSL Default Icons

Forum: DSL Tips and Tricks
Topic: DSL Default Icons
started by: promark

Posted by promark on Jan. 02 2006,23:16
Hi all is my first post so thought i would contribute something that you may find useful

I have done a set of the default DSL desktop icons in the Gentoo bubble style

All the default ones are there plus 1 or 2 others also included are .lnk files with the updated image name (if applicable)

They can be downloaded from < HERE >

I'm sure you will all know how to change them I worked it out by trial an error


PS I will hold no responsibility if anyone breaks there desktop I did it a couple of times where no icons showed at all was a small typo in one of the .lnk files and stops them all showing



Posted by struppi on Jan. 03 2006,15:29
nice job, but i don't linke these bubbledibubble icons.

don't make them standard!

Posted by starcannon on Jan. 10 2006,04:23
i like dah bubblies, thanks for the great icon set!
Posted by Onyarian on Jan. 11 2006,07:55
Very nice job, more possibilities to custom the desktop.


Posted by Desnu on Jan. 13 2006,05:36
I like those icons! great job.
btw, how did you make them?
using what program?

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