Dual ProcessorsForum: DSL Tips and Tricks Topic: Dual Processors started by: NewDude Posted by NewDude on Feb. 15 2006,15:10
I am new to DSL, I have it installed and running very well on an old P166mhz. It has brought to life to my old system.I have a question though. I have a Dell Poweredge 2300 with 1GB of ram and 3 SCSI HD's and 2 PII 450MHZ CPU's in it. Currently it has WIN2K on it, but I am so impressed it DSL, I would rather have DSL on it. Can DSL support 2 CPU's? Thanks Posted by doobit on Feb. 15 2006,15:38
It runs on my Dual Opteron Tyan board as if there were two computers running at the same time.
Posted by NewDude on Feb. 15 2006,16:56
Not sure what you meant?Can you explain more? Posted by doobit on Feb. 15 2006,17:30
When you first boot, you see two little penguins. Then it goes through it's normal hardware detection process, and detects the two processors. I'm not sure how each individual application uses them, or if they don't, but the thing is so fast, and DSL so light anyway, who cares? (unless you have a specific application, of course).
Posted by NewDude on Feb. 15 2006,20:01
I see what you are saying...So DSL does support to CPU's... That is great! Yeah I know it is fast, if it can make my P166mhz run well, it will be smoking fast on that dual 450mhz... I plan on running it totally out of ram... So you don't know if you can assign IE CPU-A to process something and assign CPU-B to process something else? Just curious... Posted by doobit on Feb. 15 2006,21:24
No...I haven't gotten that far ito it yet. I was just amazed that it detected both processors.
Posted by NewDude on Feb. 15 2006,23:16
Thanks for the info, it sounds like it will do what I want. I appreicate your help.This is great news, DSL is really, really cool.. Posted by brianw on Feb. 16 2006,00:47
Use the live CD to test drive. You should get amazing speed.
Posted by NewDude on Feb. 16 2006,00:54
Oh... I am already amazed... I first tested DSL on a PII 450mhz single processor system and I fell in love with it quickly...Then I went ahead and did a frugal install on my P166mhz hard drive and I can't believe how well it runs on that old system. I was about to throw that old system away, looks like it give it another few years of life. I love DSL. By far it is the best LINUX flavor I have tried. Mainly because it is so small and fast. I ran Fedora 4 and Fedora is just to bloated. I love DSL... However, this has caused a few problems here at my house. My wife is starting to get mad at me because I spend 3 to 5 hours a night in my garage messing with the P166 running DSL. But she understands... I think... Posted by 300c_pilot on Feb. 18 2006,01:14
I have a simular pc pII-450 w/ 1gig mem and no harddrive, it is a rockect.:)
Posted by Grigorii on Mar. 05 2006,23:26
Wait 'till you start buying Linux books to further your understanding...further. ![]() Posted by NewDude on Mar. 06 2006,02:11
That is funny you say that, I already have. I have spent the last 10 days reading. The first night I got one of the books I read 150 pages in one of them. She was amazed, because she is usually the is the one reading stories. I don't like reading stories however, I would rather watch the movie.. ![]() But the last 10 days have been great. I have learned so much about Linux, but still have a lot to learn. What else am I suppose to do? I have almost completely left windoze. The only one windows machine I have left inthe house is Windows XP for the kids and my wifes quicken and I have a server in my garage running my website and email server run on Windoze 2k Pro. Eventually I will move my website, forum, and email server off Win2k and Linux will host it. But I still have a lot to learn before I am to that point. BTW, do you know of a free webmail client I can run when I go to Linux to run my email server? Also, does DSL run email server stuff??? Posted by dw2 on Mar. 09 2006,21:16
www.Horde.orgit is the one that my site used Posted by Blackbird on Mar. 16 2006,15:54
How can I expand the capacity of my / directory so that I can load some programs to that as a base directory? I want to set up a version with TCL/Expect on CD so that i can take advantage of the Expect scripting. The computer that I am trying to get this to work on is a 1.5Ghz with 1 gig ram and no harddrive. Adding a hardrive is not an option, it needs to run strictly from CD. Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 18 2006,17:53
You will need to rebuild the initial ramdisk image for DSL, stored on the CD asminirt24.gz Making this a larger filesystem will expand your "/" directory's capacity. An alternative is to somehow create another, larger ramdisk, format it EXT2, copy the initial "/" files, directories and symlinks over and then chroot over to that ramdisk. But if the files don't need to be inside "/" and instead only need to be inside a SUBDIRECTORY underneath the "/" tree, I would simply do this: Boot DSL with this command: dsl write When booted, open up a terminal window and type: sudo su mkdir /ramdisk/mynewdir cd / ln -s /ramdisk/mynewdir Due to the symbolic link, the directory named /ramdisk/mynewdir will also appear in the top level subdirectory as /mynewdir and you can then store a huge amount of data in your newly created directory because you have a large ramdisk due to the 1GB of RAM in your PC. Posted by kendall14 on April 28 2006,00:50
I have ran it on a old a-open with: amd k6-2 (500MHz),128mb of ram (don't remember ram type), and a SY-5EHM v1.3 motherboard in it ( soyo, < http://www.soyousa.com/products/proddesc.php?id=32 > ). The only problem I had was trying to install it to the hdd at all at first. I finally did and over couse I tried installing redhat 9 skrewing the HDD right over to not booting and not working with going into cfdisk in the live disc. ![]() |