sound?Forum: DSL Tips and Tricks Topic: sound? started by: searayman Posted by searayman on Mar. 07 2006,03:57
i downloaded mplayer to watch dvd's but when i open a dvd it says it can not initialize audio devices? any ideas? i have downloaded alsa and ran it but it didnt do anything. Posted by searayman on Mar. 08 2006,01:22
no one has any ideas? i tried both asla aplications from my dsl, and couldnt get them to detect my sound card, now what do i do?
Posted by brianw on Mar. 08 2006,01:39
First thing, what system are you using, more specificaly what sound card? Once you know this it should be quite easy to get the sound working. Definitely more details are required.
Posted by searayman on Mar. 08 2006,02:08
ok i have DSL installed onto the hard drive of an IBM thinkpad 600E
Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 08 2006,17:54
<;st=0 >
Posted by searayman on Mar. 08 2006,22:50
ok thanks i looked through all of that but am very confused can some one explain it to me?
Posted by brianw on Mar. 09 2006,00:51
From reading what the others have written.Open a terminal and type: lsmod this will give you a list of the modules that are loaded. among others you should see lines with sound and soundcore. You may also see lines with the other ones that you need to load. In the best case scenario you should only have to type: insmod cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 If this does not work use the command rmmod <each of the ones listed below starting from the bottom of the list> (i.e. sudo rmmod cs4232). then type in the following and give it a try modprobe sound insmod ad1848 insmod uart401 insmod cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 Alternatively you could use apt-get to install sndconfig which has a section on cs423x. Also you may need to use sudo for each of the lines above. Posted by searayman on Mar. 09 2006,03:10
ok thanks but i dont et what u mean by this part:If this does not work use the command rmmod <each of the ones listed below starting from the bottom of the list> (i.e. sudo rmmod cs4232). then type in the following and give it a try Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 09 2006,06:18
He means to say:At the bottom of my post is a list of commands that install the sound driver modules (with the appropriate settings) for your computer system. HOWEVER, it is possible that your system already has these driver modules up and running, but with incorrect settings. If this is true, you need to "unload" or "rmmod" the incorrectly configured modules before you will be allowed to reload them again with the correct settings. the lsmod command will produce a listing of all of the driver modules that are currently in use on your computer system. If you find any of these modules on this list (sound, ad1848, uart401, or cs4232), then you will need to manually unload them before you can load in the correct settings. For example: sudo su rmmod ad1848 rmmod uart401 rmmod cs4232 rmmod sound modprobe sound insmod ad1848 insmod uart401 insmod cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 Posted by searayman on Mar. 09 2006,22:50
i typed in lsmod and none of those things were listed so o the proceded into typing:
and then i opened xmms and hit play and it said my sound wasnt configured Posted by brianw on Mar. 10 2006,01:43
This site here:< > says the sound is a cs461x for the 600e. Posted by searayman on Mar. 10 2006,21:21
ok so now i typed in:
and it didnt work Posted by doobit on Mar. 10 2006,21:40
You want us to help you? You gotta help us. Bada bing bada boom.Please be a little more descriptive as far as - where you "typed it in" , what kind of errors you are getting; or other feedback from the terminal, if lsmod shows any kind of sound drivers loaded up, or not; if dmesg shows any indication that the hardware detection knows you even have sound, etc. Posted by searayman on Mar. 10 2006,23:46
ls mod shows no sound things listed and i am typing this into Aterminal
Posted by brianw on Mar. 11 2006,01:02
try:sudo modprobe cs46xx io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 first and see if that loads the required modules. If not try each one seperately as you did before using the cs46xx instead. Posted by searayman on Mar. 12 2006,03:52
ok i just noticed when i type in modprobe sound it shows a bunch of things then at th eend it says insmod sound failed this might have somethign to do with it? and where do prt screen shots go, like what folder thing. so i can show you exactly whast going on when i type in certain things. Posted by brianw on Mar. 12 2006,16:38
Highlight the text in the terminal and use the centre mouse button (both mouse buttons at the same time on two button mouse) to paste the text into your post. This will allow people to examine what is going on.
Posted by searayman on Mar. 13 2006,01:16
here is what happens when i type in modprobe sound
Posted by brianw on Mar. 13 2006,03:40
You need to perform the operation as root. I mentioned it before but I was not exactly clear on it. use sudo first.dsl@box:~$ sudo modprobe sound Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 13 2006,18:13
IE: First type in:sudo su Then your user prompt should no longer be "dsl@box:" for the next set of commands. Posted by searayman on Mar. 13 2006,20:44
i just did it right now but it says somehting is probablt wrong with my irq or dma or io settings. sorry about not posting it exactly i cant get thecopy and paste thign ot work again. sorry
Posted by brianw on Mar. 14 2006,01:17
Everyone, except that one site I posted earlier, states that the sound is cs4239 and they use the cs4232 module. Now that you have the steps down using root commands give the cs4232 module a try. Here are a few links if you would like to read:< > < > < > Posted by searayman on Mar. 14 2006,23:35
wow i am soo lost sorry, i cant seem to get it too work at allh
Posted by searayman on Mar. 15 2006,22:42
can somone explain bette rhow to copy everything from aterminal, so i can sho u my results? somone did already but i only got it to work once and think i am doin it wrong.
Posted by brianw on Mar. 16 2006,03:32
From the getting started guide.Cut and Paste: To cut and paste in Linux one simply highlights the text with the left mouse button and then press the middle button to paste. If you have a two button mouse you would paste by pressing the left and right button together. Cutting and pasting takes a little practice, but is very efficient after one gets use to it. EDIT: upon further investigation. Highlight with mouse as paste as above. Also highlight text and use CTRL-Insert to copy and SHIFT-Insert to paste. Posted by searayman on Mar. 16 2006,22:41
ok thnaks again for the help with pasting, and here is what i have been tryign:
Posted by searayman on Mar. 18 2006,00:43
whast shoudl i change in the above code to get the sound to work?
Posted by searayman on Mar. 18 2006,02:21
ok i just tried the other sound driver cs46x and it also didnt work, hear is what i got for this one:
Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 18 2006,19:17
Hmm... According to this guy and also the IBM folks, you need to use a tweaked cs4232 driver to get sound working on the 600E:< > < > In other words,
Posted by searayman on Mar. 19 2006,03:21
i have alread tried that in this one:
Posted by searayman on Mar. 20 2006,01:53
why cant i get this to work this is soo frustrating ![]() Posted by searayman on Mar. 23 2006,03:11
i read something on how u ight need special boot bios on in a certain order, dose anyoneknow this order? and if you could, instead of sayign there names could u describe the pic cause one of the ones the mention like safe mode or soemthign i am not usre of the real name o tit