Boot DSL from DOSForum: DSL Tips and Tricks Topic: Boot DSL from DOS started by: llccjj Posted by llccjj on Mar. 08 2006,06:49
I'm trying to boot DSL from DOS and after the following steps:1. make a bootlin dir 2. download a Loadlin.exe file 3. copy linux24, minirt24.gz from DSL CD to the bootlin dir 4. write a BAT file linux.bat
5. boot to DOS and change to bootlin 6. run linux.bat it boot well to DSL, however, if I add 2 to the above BAT file, it can boot to console and works well, butI cannot pass some options such as secure, host DSL. Did anybody do the same try and can give me some tips kindly? Posted by humpty on Mar. 09 2006,08:10
you must precede with "dsl" e.g;loadlin linux24 initrd=minirt24.gz dsl dma fromhd=/dev/sda1 restore=sda2 mydsl=sda2 Posted by Michel on Mar. 14 2006,17:50
And easier on the eyes is putting each parameter on a single line in a file like 'options.txt' and then calling > loadlin @options.txt ![]() |