WirelessForum: DSL Tips and Tricks Topic: Wireless started by: kerry Posted by kerry on June 07 2006,10:48
I came across this wireless beauty some time back when i first started using linux and wanted a better easier way of getting wireless internet. Since than i changed every computer in the house to use this and all my friends use it after seeing mine and watching me unplug it and move it and plug it back and not have to set it up again. In other words you set it up one time and your good to go, just plug in the ethernet and done. So here's to sharing-> < http://www.usr.com/product....USR5430 >They also have new faster better ones but we don't have those over here(HI) yet.-> < http://www.usr.com/product....USR5432 > I have no idea how the new ones are, but they do sound better than the old one i use. Posted by doobit on June 07 2006,13:07
Awesome! Why didn't anybody think of that a long time ago? The price isn't too far off from any other wireless adapter either.
Posted by kerry on June 07 2006,18:11
It's built for gaming, so the speed is faster than any wireless card i have ever tried and i've tried alot. It also works great for lan parties, i can use one unit split the connection through a router to four other pc's and there's no noticable loss in speed. I have 4 of these running in my house 1 in my computer room split to 2 pc's, 1 in dads room,1 in the dining room and 1 in my room. My friends love it in the dining room they bring there computers and just plug in the ethernet and there on the net. I was just helping a friend switch to DSL and install win 98 in qemu and guess what he went out and bought after using my setup. ![]() |