Internet RadioForum: DSL Tips and Tricks Topic: Internet Radio started by: jpeters Posted by jpeters on Oct. 14 2007,20:38
I'm finding an abundance of excellent free internet radio sites of all genres, most of which work with xmms. Clicking on "listen now" downloads a .pls file to the /tmp directory which can be renamed and copied to a persistent folder (e.g., /mnt/hda3/music) and played with "xmms /path/file.pls" I like to use a script with a link to the file so I can type "jazz", "baroque", "classical", etc. from the home directory, which starts the music almost instantly. I also like to have dMix present on my desktop, with Master Volume showing. Clicking on the mute button assigns the function to the space bar by default. (..or typing 'c' pauses xmms) Streamripper.dsl easily records xmms programs to disk. Posted by jpeters on Oct. 16 2007,09:18
oh., and edit out commercials with Audacity (those big, fat, thick waves) , and convert to mp3 with Lame for your mp3 device. DSL has it all....
Posted by Juanito on Oct. 16 2007,14:54
...tried this with < > but I didn't see any sign of a .pls file in /tmp?
Posted by jpeters on Oct. 16 2007,15:15
That's because it's using your browser's embedded flash player. Posted by Juanito on Oct. 16 2007,17:01
OK, but using dillo doesn't change things...
Posted by jpeters on Oct. 16 2007,18:04
It did for me... I'm in dillo now. Clicking on the program opened up a tabbed window: < > Clicking the arrow opened a directory for where to download 'live.pls' . This loaded with 'xmms' Edit: In Firefox you can rt click the 'play now' button on the Virgin Radio Player window, and save the .pls file with 'save link'. Posted by dare2dreamer on Oct. 17 2007,06:15
You know, it might be interesting to develop a damnsmalllinux radio station for use in the xmms menus. It could launch a variety of playlists that all include selections of legally licensed music in a streaming playlist.Not only would a dedicated DSLRadio station guarantee that none of the links in the menu would go stale, but it would also be an opportunity to promote musicians who produce music under free/open licenses. Posted by jpeters on Oct. 17 2007,17:53
There are already meta-sites, like 'live365' that catalogue thousands of stations...all of which work with xmms. Posted by Juanito on Oct. 18 2007,03:31
- that did it, thanks Posted by dare2dreamer on Oct. 18 2007,04:26
I'm aware that there are already sites out there, I'm talking about adding some of their playlist urls to the damnsmall menus. I think it would be pretty slick to load up a livecd and have a series of links to different genre's or stations. Similar to the xmms news feed, but a bit more robust of a selection. Posted by jpeters on Oct. 23 2007,11:14
To save and edit large large radio programs:1. Play with xmms, rip with streamripper. This can produce a large mp3 file (or if you're lucky, breaks them into individual selections) 2. Convert to wav using sox. "/opt/sox/sox file.mp3 file.wav" 3. Edit with audacity. I found that loading a large mp3 file into audacity quickly ate up all my ram, but it had no problem with a wav 4. Load exported wav file into wavbreaker to separate into individual selections. To save disk space, convert back to mp3 format with lame or sox All the above programs are in the repository. Posted by curaga on Oct. 23 2007,15:09
For converting from mp3 to wav, I'd use Lame, it's smaller, faster and more accurate than sox..Also saves you the trouble of getting the sox extension at all.. Posted by jpeters on Oct. 23 2007,15:42
Does the version in the repository (ver 3.97) do that? I tried 'lame file.mp3 file.wav' and it created an mp3 with the name 'file.wav' Posted by curaga on Oct. 23 2007,16:53
It's lame --decode file.mp3 file.wavsince it's a mp3 encoder, it's decoding if you do it other way around ![]() Posted by jpeters on Oct. 23 2007,19:25
..tried it, but got errors: Ibitstream problem; resynicing: mpg123: Can't rewind stream I found a sox script that also uses mpg123; It produced a wav file that sounds like it's on fast forward (probably the -c2 which I think is the speed): mpg123 -b 10000 -s -r 44100 "$1" | /opt/sox/sox -t raw -r 44100 -s -w -c2 - "$2" Edit: The -c2 is what doubled the speed; -c1 is normal speed. This script (mp32wav) runs with: 'mp32wav file.mp3 file.wav' Requires loading sox (the mpg123 player comes with dsl). Mp32wav produces a wav file that loads right into wavbreaker. 'Sox file.mp3 sox.wav' produces a format unrecognized by wavbreaker, although running it through audacity changes it to one wavbreaker reads. (I haven't fiddled with the sox switches) Posted by chaostic on Oct. 24 2007,21:44
Just glad someone's using my streamripper.dsl ![]() ![]() (and I asume you know about the slight descrepency about the mp3 cutting that streamripper does with some songs being cut off before they actually finish and the second song having the last couple of seconds of the first) Posted by jpeters on Oct. 25 2007,07:24
Thanks for the extension; I love it.!
I haven't had that problem yet, although there seems to be variation in how Streamripper responds to different radio stations. Sometimes it perfectly indexes all the tracks, while other times it just rips one large file. Posted by chaostic on Nov. 03 2007,10:08
It depends on the station. Even VLC is weird like that. Most have to do with newer MP3Plus or AAC stations. I believe streamripper only gathers metadata from Shoutcast and Icecast mp3 streams. I have yet to see a AAC stream with metadata (Much to my aural displeasure. I like knowing what songs I'm listening to on my 3 favorite stations). But, in the mean time, I will probably be updating the streamripper mydsl sometime this month. |