January ExtensionForum: The Testing Area Topic: January Extension started by: roberts Posted by roberts on Jan. 19 2006,00:12
New extensions contributed from the community of DSL users.Check them out in the < testing > section of the repository. Note: Jan is at the bottom of the listing. abe-sdl disksearch jose-java icewm inadyn monkeys-audio nvidia2 nxclient snownews wavebreaker Thanks to all who contributed. Please leave feedback, here in the testing area of mydsl community section of the forums. Posted by plinej on Jan. 19 2006,00:18
the abe-sdl.dsl requires the sdl-libs.dsl that I also sent in.
Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 19 2006,02:00
Again, I have some notes about things i didn't notice until after submission....With icewm.uci, there are network, mail, and cpu monitors which start an application when you click on them. I wasn't aware of this until just a couple of days ago. The default app started with the mail monitor is pine, which doesn't exist in DSL. There will be an icewm.uci update before long, and default will be changed to Sylpheed. The app that is started from the network monitor is "netstat -c", which doesn't work with the Busybox version of netstat. I'm not sure what app will take its place in the next version....i'm open to suggestions. The "Logout -> Restart Xterm" menu item restarts IceWM instead of switching to xterm. This behavior is not evident using the same IceWM files in another linux distribution....not sure if it's a bug or if there's something in the way DSL starts X that prevents the switch. I have yet to see any problems with the menu conversion script applied to a typical DSL fluxbox menu. However, there is a flaw that causes it to make a semi-broken icewm menu if your fluxbox menu includes apostrophes or commands that include escaped quotes. I have no idea how to fix it right now, but it shouldn't be a problem for 99% of DSL users. EDIT: Another issue with icewm.uci... Imlib in DSL was compiled with png.h 1.0.12, but icewm was compiled with png.h 1.2.8. Imlib is *very* picky about this, apparently, and refuses to read png images as a result. I haven't found a solution to this yet...i may have to include my own Imlib in the package, or downgrade the libpng version in my dev system and recompile the package (this will likely result in breaking other packages, so i probably won't do this)...or just drop png support from icewm. Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 19 2006,02:22
The 8.178 nvidia drivers do not support many of the legacy or olderchipsets.. ( i.e. GF/GTS/GF2 [except GO] , Riva TNT/TNT2, or the original GeForce series of cards.. ) It does support the newer GF3/GF4/4xxx/5xxx/6xxx/7xxx cards. Perhaps a legacy version could be made for those older cards. ( I think the 7.174 series is the latest version supporting the older chipsets, including thru the 6600/6800 series. ) Just a note, as my GeForce2/GTS card was not recognized, nor my Diamond Viper 550 ( TNT2 ) with the 8xxx series driver. ![]() 73 ke4nt Posted by dare2dreamer on Jan. 19 2006,05:12
Just an FYI, I've tested the new nxclient extension on the following DSL versions, booted from both livecd and frugal installs:DSL 1.5 DSL 2.0 DSL 2.1b Works across the board, and as it now entirely runs from opt, saves quite a chunk of memory. NX does save a chunk of cache files from its sessions. If you don't clear them out periodically (or tell nxclient to save them in permanent storage somewhere other than your /home/dsl dir) it can eventually bloat your backup.tgz a bit. Nothing enormous, but by default it does cache up to 32mb. Still, it's best not to just .xfiletool them out of your backup because it can make resuming sessions a bit dodgy. Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Jan. 19 2006,18:49
According to Nvidia the following cards are supported with the 1.0-8178 drivers (perhaps this should be supplied in the info file):GeForce2 MX GeForce2 MX 100 GeForce2 MX 200 GeForce2 MX 400 GeForce3 GeForce3 Ti 200 GeForce3 Ti 500 GeForce4 MX 420 GeForce4 MX 440 GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X GeForce4 MX440SE with AGP8X GeForce4 MX 460 GeForce2 MX Integrated graphics GeForce4 MX Integrated graphics GeForce4 MX 4000 GeForce4 Ti 4200 GeForce4 TI 4200 with AGP8X GeForce4 Ti 4400 GeForce4 Ti 4600 GeForce4 Ti 4800 GeForce4 Ti 4800SE GeForce FX 5100 GeForce FX 5200 GeForce FX 5200LE GeForce FX 5200 Ultra GeForce FX 5500 GeForce FX 5600 GeForce FX 5600 Ultra GeForce FX 5600SE GeForce FX 5600XT GeForce FX 5700 GeForce FX 5700VE GeForce FX 5700 Ultra GeForce FX 5700LE GeForce FX 5800 GeForce FX 5800 Ultra GeForce FX 5900 GeForce FX 5900 Ultra GeForce FX 5900XT GeForce FX 5900ZT GeForce FX 5950 Ultra GeForce PCX 5300 GeForce PCX 5750 GeForce PCX 5900 GeForce 6610 XL GeForce 6200 GeForce 6200 with TurboCache GeForce 6200SE with TurboCache GeForce 6600 GT GeForce 6600 GeForce 6800 GeForce 6800 GT GeForce 6800 LE GeForce 6800 Ultra GeForce 7800 GTX Quadro2 MXR Quadro DCC Quadro4 200 NVS Quadro4 400 NVS Quadro4 380 XGL Quadro4 500 XGL Quadro4 550 XGL Quadro4 580 XGL Quadro4 700 XGL Quadro4 750 XGL Quadro4 780 XGL Quadro4 900 XGL Quadro4 980 XGL Quadro FX 330 Quadro FX 500 Quadro FX 540 Quadro FX 600 Quadro FX 700 Quadro FX 1000 Quadro FX 1100 Quadro FX 1300 Quadro FX 1400 Quadro FX 2000 Quadro FX 3000 Quadro FX 3000G Quadro FX 3400 Quadro FX 3450 Quadro FX 4000 SDI Quadro FX 4400 Quadro FX 4500 Quadro NVS Quadro NVS 200 Quadro NVS 280 Quadro NVS 400 Quadro NVS 280 PCI Quadro NVS 285 PCI But these cards are not supported: TNT2 TNT2 Pro TNT2 Ultra TNT2 Model 64 (M64) TNT2 Model 64 (M64) Pro Vanta Vanta LT GeForce 256 GeForce DDR GeForce2 GTS GeForce2 Pro GeForce2 Ti GeForce2 Ultra GeForce2 MX Integrated graphics Quadro Quadro2 Pro Quadro2 EX Posted by clacker on Jan. 20 2006,00:32
Your Fuzzy God, if you think that would help at all, sure, I'll copy and paste and resubmit the info file.I was playing with the snownews RSS reader. It's great. I wouldn't change it, so take the following as just an idea and not really a suggestion. One thought I had for this and other text mode and X mode applications was to write a shell script that lets you run firefox in X windows or links or netriks in pure text mode. I made a browser_wrapper script and used the B command in snownews to set the browser to /home/dsl/.snownews/browser_wrapper %s. Then I made this script which check for X and then chooses the correct browser to use:
Posted by 3D-Penguin on Jan. 20 2006,21:59
Ultracool Clacker, thanks a lot. I made a package of the latest Blender version 2.40 and tried to upload it despite my dial-up connection. Sendmefile.com told me after the upload that they don't accept tar.gz. Ok, i could zip it, but maybe someone knows of a better upload server? Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 20 2006,23:49
Have you tested your blender with python?I have a blender 2.40 uci built, but there are problems with it and the python extensions....it may need its own python due to the extensions missing some stuff that the new blender needs. 3D-Penguin: I'm editing this post rather than making another, since i probably shouldn't have gone off-topic in the first place. The problem is at least a missing struct, although there could be more. My blender 2.40 package finds python (mydsl version) without trouble, but seems to error every time i try to use a python plugin. It works fine with non-python tasks. It was made from the blender static build (basically just a repackage of the original into uci format), just as the working 2.36 uci package was. As of DSL 2.x, the cloop limit is now 64 =o) Posted by 3D-Penguin on Jan. 21 2006,08:52
Hi mikshaw,What kind of problems? I made an autosetup for the Python path and it has the proper Python version 2.3.4 (Linux version only). This Blender version was made for use with Python 2.3.4 so what's wrong. I myself rather use Blender 2.34, cause i need a complete and working game engine. I did not extensively test 2.40, I rather use good old 2.34. And i did not make them a uci cause i read about a limit of four of them. Is that still valid? Posted by dtf on Mar. 22 2006,23:25
I have been using inadyn which tracks your dynamic IP and updates your URL to point to any change in the IP address for a couple of months. The cost of a single URL is $0 from dyndns.org. The extension works fine although I am not sure how I am suppose to configure it documentation with to start automaticly when booting (wish there was some documentation with it). I just came up with my own one line commandinadyn -u <dyndns login> -p <dyndns password> -a <dyndns password> & I think this would be a useful extension to add to the net mydsl downloads. |