February ExtensionsForum: The Testing Area Topic: February Extensions started by: roberts Posted by roberts on Feb. 04 2008,19:48
Thanks to kuky for:esfirefox2011.uci Thanks to castillo for: gtmess-0.94.dsl Thanks to Uncle for: rcfirewall.dsl Now posted in the repository. Read the info files for further information. Posted by roberts on Feb. 04 2008,21:48
Thanks to Newby for:scidavis-0.1.2-linux.tar.gz asymptote-1.41.i386.tar.gz Posted by roberts on Feb. 06 2008,16:41
Thanks to Jason for:xine.uci Thanks to J for: gtk-pixmap.dsl Read the .info files for more information. Posted by curaga on Feb. 06 2008,17:41
Check this screenshot of the Aero theme in gtk-pixmap.dsl:< http://themes.freshmeat.net/screenshots/36817/45657/ > Posted by Jason W on Feb. 07 2008,14:48
The new Xine extension has poor performance due to missing video drivers and opengl being enabled by default. I didn't realize this at first since I built it and tested it on a fast machine. A quick rebuild with the right environment made it perform right, but one last configure switch is needed to eliminate X dependencies. I will finalize it tonight and resubmit it. My bad.
Posted by newby on Feb. 09 2008,00:52
I've submitted a new application:nafe-0.1.exe.tar.gz It contains two executables, one for turning console fonts into a special text file format. The other for turning the text file format back into a font. There are _no_ extra files. For directions, go to the sourceforge site. Actual font design can be done with the use of a text editor. Given the amount of grumbling about the fonts that come with DSL (and other *nix's), we might see some friendly font building competition. Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 09 2008,01:53
Wow. I mean no disrespect, but that would be a really annoying interface from my point of view. The buttons have to be twice as large as they need to be just so the highlight doesn't obscure the text. Posted by newby on Feb. 09 2008,17:31
Huh? No disrespect here either (after all, you've made some admirable contributions), but I don't get the connection. I'm discussing text mode fonts, such as used during boot up. My thinking is - if a person starts to boot DSL and sees that it has directions in a language they can read, they'll be: - immediately impressed; - more likely to stick through DSL's learning curve; - have an easier time climbing that learning curve; - more likely to reccommend DSL to others; and - more likely to contribute translations that can be added to scripts and applications. If we're moving toward larger kernels and dropping more and more GUI -based apps to keep the ISO within the 50 MB limit, then text fonts are going to be increasingly important. There's an opportunity here that will benefit DSL --- _IF_ the user community is willing to contribute. I'm not asking the developers to do much other than include the files we produce in the distribution. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 09 2008,21:13
newby: you're reading the wrong reply. Look at the quote that he has quoted. Since I'm replying anyways, I'd say I'd have to agree with mikshaw (and that patterned background just makes it worse imo)
Posted by newby on Feb. 10 2008,01:53
Apparantly so - serves me right for posting at O'Dark Hundred. Posted by Jason W on Feb. 10 2008,03:44
Rebuilt xine.uci, got it right this time around. Performance with video is as good if not better than Xine-0.99.4. Here are the files, the .info remains the same:< > < > Sorry for the confusion. Posted by kuky on Feb. 11 2008,00:17
how i do not know if esthunderbird2009.uci mdsum and info arrived to extensions and also esopenoffice2.3.uci i write these postthanks robert Posted by jaygeedsl on Feb. 11 2008,00:41
Can you say when this latest version of xine.uci be listed in the Testing Area of the MyDSL Extension Tool? Posted by roberts on Feb. 11 2008,17:45
I have been out of town at the Scale 6X convention.I will try to catch up with the submitted extensions. -- Robert Posted by roberts on Feb. 11 2008,21:58
Thanks to kuky for:esthunderbird2009.uci esopenoffice2.3.uci Thanks to Juanito for an update to: compile-3.3.5.uci Thanks to Onyarian for: 425d-es.dsl Thanks to jpeters for: vim_7.1.244.uci Thanks to jason for an update to: xine.uci Read more from the .info files. Posted by stupid_idiot on Feb. 12 2008,09:13
Re: DSL devel chrootHi all! First finished 'prototype' is ready! Size of finished 'prototype': test_chroot.tar: 118M test_chroot.tar.gz: 37M test_chroot.tar.bz2: 32M test_chroot.tar.lzma: 23M (Including perl 5.8.0, python 2.5.1, tcltk 8.4.17, and X.org 7.3 libs/headers.) Will post detailed information in a separate thread in the 'System' section, soon. Right now, I am going to rebuild it again from scratch to check whether I missed anything. This will take at least a few days, I think. Regarding the name, I have settled on 'dev_chroot.tar.*', but any suggestions are very welcome!! IMHO, a .unc is possible, but I think a dedicated hard disk partition, or similar, would be ideal. Roberts: Would it be alright for you to host this in the main FTP rather than as a MyDSL extension? (Reason being: This seems to be more like a plain archive rather than a normal extension.) Thank you very much. Posted by curaga on Feb. 12 2008,15:58
Xorg 7.3 for compiling for DSL: not good. Many libraries have changed, and if anything X-related is compiled with Xorg 7.3 headers, they will be looking for, say libXxxx.so.3 when DSL has .2 or even .1. Thus X apps compiled with it would need to have those libs packed with them, increasing size unnecessarily..Maybe replace with Xfree 4.3.0 for the next release? Posted by stupid_idiot on Feb. 13 2008,02:57
Curaga:Oh yes, I never thought of that! Thanks alot. ![]() Comparison of LFS system and DSL system:
(1) libXau.so.6 in LFS does not match libXau.so.0 in DSL. (2) libXfont.so.1 in LFS does not match libXfont.so.0 in DSL. (3) libXft.so.1 in DSL is missing in LFS. Possible solutions: (1) Look for older version of libXau in X.org FTP?? (2) Look for older version of libXfont in X.org FTP?? (3) Look for older version of libXft in X.org FTP?? / Use libXft1 and libXft-dev DEBs from Woody?? (Seems like a recompile of X11 is necessary since libX11 etc will have to be re-linked. Not a problem, since I am rebuilding the LFS system.) Update: Will look at all options, e.g. older versions of X.org (6.x??), or perhaps using XFree86 4.3.x. Very much appreciate all the help so far. Many thanks! Posted by Juanito on Feb. 13 2008,03:43
I had a look at this while building compile-3.3.5 - I couldn't really figure out where all of the dsl base x libs come from. After compiling xfree-4.2.1, there were still some libs that were missing. The missing libs might have come from xfree-4.3.0, but I wasn't sure.
Posted by curaga on Feb. 13 2008,07:58
Only 3-4 libs were changed? I expected something more, but those are still dependencies of libX11 and so, as you said..
Posted by Juanito on Feb. 13 2008,15:18
One thing that might be worth considering is that the gnu-utils extension contains a bunch of x-libs...
Posted by roberts on Feb. 14 2008,19:53
Agreed. gnu-utils were supposed to be just the busybox replacements. It, gnu-utils, however became a catchall for other libs over my protests that it add bulk when typically not needed. Posted by humpty on Feb. 16 2008,22:49
wow, the aero theme is awesome! my only complaint is that typed in text doesn'y show up in firefox ![]() Posted by roberts on Feb. 17 2008,00:04
Thanks to Jason for:nfs-kernel-server.dsl Read the info file for howto. Posted by chaostic on Feb. 17 2008,00:24
Great extension. I apt-geted this on my 3.2.3b(?) install-to-hd. The biggest change to mine was adding it to the normal rc init folders, so it would start up normally. Quick comment though, starting the nfs-kernel-server from the rc script (/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start) should start portmap and nfs-common automatically. Please check then update the dsl.info file. Posted by Jason W on Feb. 17 2008,02:34
chaostic,Thank you for your feedback. This extension uses the /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server script already present in base DSL, and that script is a little different from the one in Debian Woody. But it does the same thing. Here is the issue. /etc/init.d/portmap of course starts portmap. /etc/init.d/nfs-common starts rpc.statd and (if needed) rpc.lockd but not portmap, though it needs portmap running to work. /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server starts rpc.nfsd and rcp.mountd as well as issuing /sbin/exportfs, but it does not start portmap, rpc.statd, or rpc.lockd. On standard Debian, apt-getting nfs-kernel-server has nfs-common as a dependency, which has portmap as a dependency. And if installed, all three get started at boot in Debian without the need to start them manually. But not with a DSL live cd, since DSL lets you decide which services to start. To use nfs-common in DSL, I have to start portmap first if I have rebooted in live mode. (Actually, I have not been able to get nfs-common to work by itself from the DSL menu since it does not start portmap, but please correct me if I am missing something there.) I am looking at the nfs-kernel-server script from Woody as well as DSL and they do not start the portmap or nfs-common (rpc.statd rpc.lockd) related services. Debian apparently uses startup scripts to start them. But in DSL they must be started manually on a live cd instance. I am also looking at the nfs script of another distro and it does start portmap and the other nfs scripts. I guess I could have created a wrapper, but I figured since manual configuration is required to use nfs anyway, starting services is small issue. Posted by roberts on Feb. 20 2008,00:16
Thanks to Jason for updates to:madbomber.uci sdl-libs.uci Thanks to Onyarian for: guipdftk.dsl Read the info file for more information. Posted by roberts on Feb. 21 2008,23:21
Thanks to Humpty for an update to:mlvwm.uci Posted by curaga on Feb. 22 2008,06:56
Posted by roberts on Feb. 22 2008,07:29
Fixed the perms, thanks!
Posted by humpty on Feb. 22 2008,18:05
madbomber.ucimadbomber: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Posted by Jason W on Feb. 22 2008,19:11
Humpty,Is that error occuring with the sdl-libs.uci loaded? Madbomber works for me, but I will look at it when I get home. EDIT: I get the exact error when trying to run madbomber without the sdl-libs.uci extension. But all is well when the sdl-libs.uci extension is used. Posted by humpty on Feb. 23 2008,15:45
yes, that was it, I didn't read the info file carefully! tks. Posted by humpty on Feb. 23 2008,18:50
xine.uciI can't seem to play streaming files (i think wmv9), whereareas the old xine.dsl+xine_w32_codecs.unc will do it. Posted by Jason W on Feb. 23 2008,20:38
Humpty,You are right, while some Windows media is supported natively in Xine, wmv9 is supported through external codecs. Source: < http://xinehq.de/index.php/faq#WMV > I cannot find the xine_w32_codecs.unc that you mentioned, but it should work fine if you point your codecs path in the settings menu to where that extension installs the codecs. Try that if you haven't already and let me know how it works. Thanks. Posted by humpty on Feb. 24 2008,00:15
Jason: Actually I didn't need the win32 codecs,I got it to play only by typing the url into a file (e.g a.txt) and then Opening that file from within xine. So it looks to be a command line problem. For some reason, it is not accpeting a url on the command line. Also it is not accepting xine --help. (I would really love to get this working to see if vidix is working for via unichrome this time round, but can only do it from command line) Posted by Jason W on Feb. 24 2008,00:58
Humpty,Thanks for your feedback. /opt/bin/xine is a wrapper, and I need to rewrite it to accept command line options. I overlooked that. Basically, the line: exec /opt/xine/bin/xine needs to be exec /opt/xine/bin/xine $* so it will accept command line arguments. There are a couple of other things I want to change as well, but add the $* in the /opt/bin/xine script for now and that will allow xine --help and all of that. Thanks. Update: Come to find out, it does not need a wrapper like I originally thought. I will symlink the stuff in /opt/xine/bin/ and resubmit later if all else is working right. Posted by roberts on Feb. 24 2008,20:05
Thanks to Juanito for:gimp-1.2.uci now posted. Posted by lucky13 on Feb. 24 2008,23:48
Hmm, okay. I guess you can delete the one I submitted. Posted by jpeters on Feb. 25 2008,03:01
Yours is 2.6x the size; something has to be different. Posted by Juanito on Feb. 25 2008,03:34
- oops, sorry. I'd been using gimp-1.2.dsl, I didn't realise there was also already a gimp-1.2.uci... Posted by lucky13 on Feb. 25 2008,14:10
Yours is smaller anyway. Posted by Jason W on Feb. 25 2008,23:59
I adjusted the xine.uci package and it should now function on the command line like it should. (The wrapper was needed, after all.) Also removed some uneeded files. I will test it more, and below is what I plan to be the final adjustment of this extension. I would appreciate anyone trying it out and giving feedback if there is anything else lacking:< > < > < > I do not want to pester Robert (or you guys either) but one last time with this one. So if in a week or so there are no more issues found I will resubmit. Humpty - let me know if you are now able to access the wmv9 streaming stuff. Thanks. Update 3.1.08: Xine 0.99.5 will often crash with a "X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)" error when going in and out of fullscreen mode by double clicking the Xine window, especially when video is playing. This happens with or without XFree or Xorg extensions loaded. Xine-lib 1.1.10 as well as Xine-lib display this behavior. Building against XFree 4.1, Xfree 4.3 and Xorg 7.2 made no difference. A cvs version of Xine-ui will probably fix the situation, and I will update the links. Update 3.2.08: Xine-ui from cvs has the same problem. This is a pretty well reported bug at least in Gentoo and Ubuntu, and I cannot seem to get rid of it here. I tried the xitk.c fix from Gentoo and it did not help. One solution mentioned was to build against an updated libX11, and I do not have the time to build the latest Xorg suite to try that. This may be something that just has to be lived with. 3.6.08: The glitch is still present when the current Xine is built against the latest Xorg 7.3 and GCC 4.2 on another distro. I am against a wall on this one. But I think it is a minor nuisance rather than a showstopper, so the above link is what I have submitted. Posted by humpty on Feb. 26 2008,03:11
Jason : It works! Posted by stupid_idiot on Feb. 27 2008,02:23
Hi all:Currently in the middle of writing a Howto for building a DSL environment using the LFS method, i.e. "from scratch". When it's done, I will do a rebuild to check for problems. ETA: In 1-2 weeks. When it's finished, I will probably email it to extensions_AT_damnsmalllinux.org for approval. I am thinking of having a new page on the Wiki because this Howto seems to be getting too long to fit in a forum thread. Robert: Is that okay with you? Thanks very much! Posted by roberts on Mar. 01 2008,17:28
Sure. Posted by roberts on Mar. 01 2008,17:29
Thanks to Curaga for:gifsicle.dsl now posted. Posted by WDef on Mar. 05 2008,20:46
What an interesting idea. I look forward to seeing this. Posted by roberts on Mar. 05 2008,21:57
Thanks to newby for:bdfedit1.3.tar.gz A TCL/TK font editor. Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 06 2008,00:31
gimp-1.2.uci works really well.It's almost shocking that it's only 6mb and doesn't require anything not already in DSL =o) I'm having some cosmetic issues with gifsicle, but I think it might be related to my window manager. The application itself does what it claims to do. Posted by curaga on Mar. 06 2008,13:45
I just noticed gifsicle is placed down the category. Sorry, this is because of time preferences, as in my country we use dd/mm/yyyy but the english seem to use mm/dd/yyyy..
Posted by roberts on Mar. 06 2008,16:22
Actually the format for mydsl extensions date field is yyyy/mm/dd
Posted by Juanito on Mar. 07 2008,08:01
- that's great to hear and was what I was aiming for with compile-3.3.5, i.e. to use as many of the dsl base libs as possible Posted by WDef on Mar. 15 2008,21:38
Ping: Uncle Warthog re new rcfirewall.dslUnlike the old rcfirewall.dsl, the start_firewall script exits almost immediately, too fast to read the reassuring "successfully secured address" message. I put sleep 5 at the bottom of /etc/init.d/rc.firewall so I get to read the messages (and issues if any). |