upgrade to Firefox 1.5 ???!!!Forum: Apps Topic: upgrade to Firefox 1.5 ???!!! started by: great_blonde Posted by great_blonde on May 08 2006,10:22
Hi!I have installed DSL on a Pentium I with 166 MHZ and 1,5 G harddrive and it works allright. I would like to install Firefox 1.5, how can I do this? Thanx a lot! gb Posted by kerry on May 08 2006,22:52
Download from the firefox site < http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ > Unpack it, you can use emelfm, just go to where you downloaded it and click on it to highlight than right click >actions> unpack Now right click the emelfm icon and launch super user. Make your way to /usr/local/ you should see firefox, rename it to firefox.old. Now just copy or move the firefox you unpacked there. Make sure you install the gtk2-0705.dsl with the MyDSL extension browser or the new firefox won't work. Posted by great_blonde on May 11 2006,12:16
Hi Kerry, Thank you very much for your reply! I tried your suggestions but firefox doesn't work. Even more, Emelfm comes up with a strange message, telling me to install a plugin and unpack it, but I don't know which plugin and where it is. I have also installed the gtk2-0705.dsl (which I have to admit I have no idea of what it is - sorry, absolute newbe). I guess the MyDSL extension browser only works with DSL as user. but I have installed another user for which I would like the new firefox to work as well - which it doesn't do even for root. Thank you very much. gb Posted by kerry on May 11 2006,20:10
Use emelfm to go to firefox.tar.gz click to highlight it then in the command box at the bottom type> tar -xzvf fi (hit tab to autocomplete) and enter, that should unpack it. For your new user you might have to add him to the sudoers list. So they can use sudo like the dsl user. DSL extentions can be downloaded directly from the site which is how i do it because it's faster than just highlight and click myDSL in emelfm. The site-> < ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/damnsmall/mydsl/ >
Posted by mikshaw on May 12 2006,05:49
The myDSL extensions install only from user dsl simply because they often include a menu item and icon that install into /home/dsl, and those files need to be owned by dsl. However, once the application is installed it can be used by anyone (except for themes and one or two other extensions that install into /home/dsl).
Posted by doodle77 on May 19 2006,21:52
gives me a whole bunch of errors about pango. ![]() Posted by ggordon on May 19 2006,22:57
I hope that the latest version of Firefox will be in the next version of DSL....this distro really rocks when used as Live-CD from USB thumbdrive. I hope next version of DSL also includes default Fluxbox themes...although one can add them easy enough...anyway...keep up good job with DSL! ![]() __ ggordon Posted by jot on May 21 2006,18:05
And I hope that someday Firefox will be exchanged for smaller and faster browser with adblocker, e-mail client, chat client, rss reader, bittorrent links support and all this available by default. And still smaller than Firefox.What am I talking about? Mozilla ? Opera ? No. Opera9 is the answer ![]() Posted by mikshaw on May 21 2006,22:03
And I hope that someday the smaller browser doesn't depend on gtk2 or Qt or Java, and is open source. Sorry, but Opera doesn't fit into either of those categories =o)