Star LC24-200 slamming into stops

Forum: System
Topic: Star LC24-200 slamming into stops
started by: Ivan-NL

Posted by Ivan-NL on Feb. 21 2006,16:30
This is a generic CUPS question... and not on my DSL Laptop as i sent that one to the trash heap

Got a nice big matrix printer... only bad thing is that the head doesnt do what it's supposed to do the first few lines...

After ANY reboot the printer does print the first part of the first job in the wrong position. While the test page cures the behaviour it causes the head to move to the rightmost stop... so it prints outside the page, and to make things worse it sometimes tries to move the head outside the rail (rattle noises) when it is there.

When you are at the 2nd or so line of the testpage the thing starts to behave like it should, and prints whitin the page area. This stays until you shutdown the machine, where the whole mess starts over again.

Doing textjobs over SMB before the testpage will result in the whole job getting printed somewhere halfway on the page, and it won't get better unless you do a testpage...

Oh and it sometimes does the same when running it on Win2K...

Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 21 2006,18:17
Sounds like you need to send a linefeed or a carriage return to your printer queue before you start your first printer job.

CONTROL-J  = Linefeed
CONTROL-M = Carriage Return

Ideally, you could make a small text file that contains these characters and print it out upon bootup, or maybe even use the "echo" command to direct them into your printer queue as part of a startup script like /opt/ for example.

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