Define Paper Type when Printing

Forum: System
Topic: Define Paper Type when Printing
started by: Juanito

Posted by Juanito on Feb. 02 2008,15:13
Is there a way to define the paper type when printing from any of the apps or extensions in dsl?

I can use the cups admin interface to define the default paper type as, for example, photo paper - but it would be better if I could do this from the application I'm printing from.

Interestingly, when printing from windows machines to the dsl printer server I have set up (cups + hplip + samba), I get to chose the paper type...

Posted by curaga on Feb. 02 2008,15:20
It's the client that decides that.

Since most of DSL apps have their own printing interface, and not for example Gnome-print or something, it depends on the app. Opera has a pretty good one IMO, but it doesn't have an option for photo paper :)

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