JWM Themes
Forum: Themes
Topic: JWM Themes
started by: lucky13
Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 06 2007,19:39
Feel free to share your jwm themes in this thread. To use these, copy each one and save as the themename.thm and put it in /opt/jwmThemes.
Make sure your font is something already available to DSL users from the default or from MyDSL. To standardize this, include a name for the theme, a brief description, and any details (about font or whatever). If possible, include a link for a screenshot to give an idea of how it looks. Block it in code (unfortunately, tabs don't work here).
Example (and first): COBALT a blue theme uses artwiz smoothansi font < http://lucky13linux.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/cobalt3menu.png > -----
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- cobalt -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>lightblue</Text> <Title>grey22:blue3</Title> <Corner>lightblue</Corner> <Outline>grey33</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>steelblue4</Text> <Title>black:navy</Title> <Corner>grey33</Corner> <Outline>black</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>lightblue</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey22:blue3</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>steelblue4</Foreground> <Background>black:navy</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert --> <TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>navy</Background> <Foreground>lightblue</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>navy</Outline> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey22</Background> <ActiveForeground>lightblue</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey66</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>#010f5b</Background> <ActiveForeground>lightblue</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey11:blue3</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>black</Outline> <Foreground>darkred</Foreground> <Background>grey44</Background> </PopupStyle>
<!-- end cobalt scheme --> </JWM> |
Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 06 2007,19:41
SHADES OF GREY sort of shiny/metallic grey uses artwiz smoothansi font < http://lucky13linux.files.wordpress.com/2007....ons.png >
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- shades of grey -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>white</Text> <Title>grey33:grey66</Title> <Corner>white</Corner> <Outline>grey22</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>grey44</Text> <Title>grey22:black</Title> <Corner>grey33</Corner> <Outline>black</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey33:grey66</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey22:black</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert --> <TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>grey33</Background> <Foreground>white</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>darkred</Outline> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey22</Background> <ActiveForeground>grey55</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey66</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey11</Foreground> <Background>grey44</Background> <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey33:grey66</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>darkred</Outline> <Foreground>black</Foreground> <Background>grey66</Background> </PopupStyle>
<!-- end shade of grey color scheme --> </JWM>
Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 06 2007,19:54
DSL4 ICE lighter greys and blues uses artwiz smoothansi < http://lucky13linux.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/ice1.png > ----------
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- dsl4ice -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>dodgerblue3</Text> <Title>grey77:white</Title> <Corner>dodgerblue3</Corner> <Outline>grey66</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>grey38</Text> <Title>grey44:grey66</Title> <Corner>grey44</Corner> <Outline>black</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>dodgerblue3</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey77:white</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>grey38</Foreground> <Background>grey44:grey66</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert --> <TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>lightsteelblue</Background> <Foreground>dodgerblue3</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>black</Outline> <Foreground>grey66</Foreground> <Background>grey33</Background> <ActiveForeground>dodgerblue3</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>white</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey55</Foreground> <Background>white</Background> <ActiveForeground>dodgerblue3</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey77:white</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>black</Outline> <Foreground>black</Foreground> <Background>darkorange</Background> </PopupStyle>
<!-- end dsl4ice color scheme --> </JWM> |
Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 06 2007,22:45
LUCKY13BLING it's golden uses smoothansi from dsl-artwiz.tar.gz see bottom two pics on this page: < http://lucky13linux.wordpress.com/blackout-and-bling/ > --------
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- lucky13bling -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>white</Text> <Title>#d6bd00:#705d00</Title> <Corner>grey55</Corner> <Outline>gold4</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>grey22</Text> <Title>#776b2d:#705d00</Title> <Corner>grey33</Corner> <Outline>black</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>#d6bd00:gold4</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>grey22</Foreground> <Background>#776b2d:#705d00</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert --> <TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>#b79f00</Background> <Foreground>white</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>black</Outline> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey33</Background> <ActiveForeground>grey88</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>gold3</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey22</Foreground> <Background>gold4</Background> <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>#d6bd00:#705d00</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>grey33</Outline> <Foreground>red</Foreground> <Background>black</Background> </PopupStyle>
<!-- end lucky13bling scheme --> </JWM>
Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 07 2007,19:00
EVILGLOW (different colored variations) some of these are hard on the eyes, especially on solid dark backgrounds uses smoothansi font from dsl-artwiz.tar.gz in MyDSL < http://lucky13linux.wordpress.com/dsl-rel....-themes > ----------
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- Visual Styles --> <!-- evil blue glow -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>blue</Text> <Title>darkblue:grey13</Title> <Corner>blue</Corner> <Outline>blue</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>grey44</Text> <Title>grey20:grey0</Title> <Corner>grey0</Corner> <Outline>darkblue</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>blue</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkblue:grey13</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey20:grey0</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>grey13</Background> <Foreground>blue</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>grey66</Outline> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey22</Background> <ActiveForeground>darkblue</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey44</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey33</Foreground> <Background>grey0</Background> <ActiveForeground>blue</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkblue:grey13</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>grey22</Outline> <Foreground>grey0</Foreground> <Background>blue</Background> </PopupStyle>
</JWM> |
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- Visual Styles --> <!-- evil cyan glow -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>cyan</Text> <Title>darkcyan:grey13</Title> <Corner>cyan</Corner> <Outline>cyan</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>grey44</Text> <Title>grey20:grey0</Title> <Corner>grey0</Corner> <Outline>darkcyan</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>cyan</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkcyan:grey13</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey20:grey0</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>grey13</Background> <Foreground>cyan</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>grey66</Outline> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey22</Background> <ActiveForeground>darkcyan</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey44</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey33</Foreground> <Background>grey0</Background> <ActiveForeground>cyan</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkcyan:grey13</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>grey22</Outline> <Foreground>grey0</Foreground> <Background>cyan</Background> </PopupStyle>
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- Visual Styles --> <!-- evil green glow -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>green</Text> <Title>darkgreen:grey13</Title> <Corner>green</Corner> <Outline>green</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>grey44</Text> <Title>grey20:grey0</Title> <Corner>grey0</Corner> <Outline>darkgreen</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>green</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkgreen:grey13</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey20:grey0</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>grey13</Background> <Foreground>green</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>grey66</Outline> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey22</Background> <ActiveForeground>darkgreen</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey44</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey33</Foreground> <Background>grey0</Background> <ActiveForeground>green</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkgreen:grey13</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>grey22</Outline> <Foreground>grey0</Foreground> <Background>green</Background> </PopupStyle>
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- Visual Styles --> <!-- evil orange glow -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>orange</Text> <Title>darkorange:grey13</Title> <Corner>orange</Corner> <Outline>orange</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>grey44</Text> <Title>grey20:grey0</Title> <Corner>grey0</Corner> <Outline>darkorange</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>orange</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkorange:grey13</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey20:grey0</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>grey13</Background> <Foreground>orange</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>grey66</Outline> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey22</Background> <ActiveForeground>darkorange</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey44</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey33</Foreground> <Background>grey0</Background> <ActiveForeground>orange</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkorange:grey13</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>grey22</Outline> <Foreground>grey0</Foreground> <Background>orange</Background> </PopupStyle>
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- Visual Styles --> <!-- evil red glow -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>red</Text> <Title>darkred:grey13</Title> <Corner>red</Corner> <Outline>red</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>grey44</Text> <Title>grey20:grey0</Title> <Corner>grey0</Corner> <Outline>darkred</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>red</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkred:grey13</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey20:grey0</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>grey13</Background> <Foreground>red</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>grey66</Outline> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey22</Background> <ActiveForeground>darkred</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey44</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey33</Foreground> <Background>grey0</Background> <ActiveForeground>red</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>darkred:grey13</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>grey22</Outline> <Foreground>grey0</Foreground> <Background>red</Background> </PopupStyle>
Code Sample | <JWM> <!-- Visual Styles --> <!-- evil yellow glow -->
<WindowStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>yellow</Text> <Title>gold:grey13</Title> <Corner>yellow</Corner> <Outline>yellow</Outline> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>grey44</Text> <Title>grey20:grey0</Title> <Corner>grey0</Corner> <Outline>gold</Outline> </Inactive> </WindowStyle>
<TaskListStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <ActiveForeground>yellow</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>gold:grey13</ActiveBackground> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey20:grey0</Background> </TaskListStyle>
<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<TrayStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Background>grey13</Background> <Foreground>yellow</Foreground> </TrayStyle>
<PagerStyle> <Outline>grey66</Outline> <Foreground>grey44</Foreground> <Background>grey22</Background> <ActiveForeground>gold</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>grey44</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle>
<MenuStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Foreground>grey33</Foreground> <Background>grey0</Background> <ActiveForeground>yellow</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>gold:grey13</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle>
<PopupStyle> <Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font> <Outline>grey22</Outline> <Foreground>grey0</Foreground> <Background>yellow</Background> </PopupStyle>
Posted by Juanito on Dec. 08 2007,13:00
I really like the "blackout" theme with the ripples - I did not find the ripples wallpaper jpg online as yet - did you post the jwm file for this?
(note: third one down at < http://lucky13linux.wordpress.com/blackout-and-bling/) >
Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 08 2007,14:19
That theme is in the extension Robert put together with the theme changer. There are also variations of it with cyan, red, and green.
Posted by Juanito on Dec. 09 2007,10:50
Ah, sorry - missed that.
Before I get too tangled up in trying, can it be used with jwm in dsl-3.4.x?
Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 09 2007,11:39
I think that older version doesn't handle gradients or INCLUDE tags, which Robert's theme switcher uses to factor out the theme area (setup script) and the separate config file used for the themes called by jwmrc. I could be wrong and 3.x may have the newer version that allows INCLUDE and/or can at least handle gradients.
If I'm right, though, you can still take the code, choose a tone where there are two with a colon between them, and insert manually.
Posted by roberts on Dec. 09 2007,17:17
JWM in v3.4.x is v0.24 heavily modified by me. It does not include the Include tag JWM in v4.x is v2.0 and is larger in size and capability, and not modified.
Posted by Juanito on Dec. 10 2007,12:22
In order to begin immersion into the whole dsl-4.x experience with jwm (instead of fluxbox), I took a deep breath and...
The "blackout" theme installed as promised, the "ripples" background installed without problems, ditto the art-whizz(?) fonts and it all looks very impressive - 'course, I just need to move tormso to bottom left, and the bar thing to the top if I want to totally mimic Lucky13's post.
...and (as per the other thread) I need to fix it so <ctrl-v> means "paste" instead of "minimise window" before I throw the laptop out the window
Posted by roberts on Dec. 10 2007,14:06
Quote (Juanito @ Dec. 10 2007,04:22) | In order to begin immersion into the whole dsl-4.x experience with jwm (instead of fluxbox), I took a deep breath and...
The "blackout" theme installed as promised, the "ripples" background installed without problems, ditto the art-whizz(?) fonts and it all looks very impressive - 'course, I just need to move tormso to bottom left, and the bar thing to the top if I want to totally mimic Lucky13's post.
...and (as per the other thread) I need to fix it so <ctrl-v> means "paste" instead of "minimise window" before I throw the laptop out the window  |
I have to take issue with your first sentence. That is not the what dsl 4 is about.
Eye candy is a personal preference. All the things that you mention are in your home directory, i.e., under your control, and have little to no effect on the operational goals of 4.x and differences versus 3.x
I feel like I have had to put on "lipstick" and "rouge" just to be "kissable"
If that is what it takes for one to consider 4.x, oh well. It is certainly not my area of expertist.
Posted by lucky13 on April 24 2008,02:46
Per my question to BobH in the thread for 4.3, I've posted a high contrast jwm theme on my blog. Those of you with limited vision please let me know if I should do this totally monochrome or if the grey is okay. < http://lucky13linux.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/jwm-contrast-theme/ >
Posted by BobH on April 24 2008,18:03
Quote (lucky13 @ April 24 2008,02:46) | Per my question to BobH in the thread for 4.3, I've posted a high contrast jwm theme on my blog. Those of you with limited vision please let me know if I should do this totally monochrome or if the grey is okay. < http://lucky13linux.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/jwm-contrast-theme/ > |
Thanks Lucky. Now I have insight into what high contrast looks like! I may tweak it a bit (for now), but I'm sure others can make good use of it.
Posted by lucky13 on April 24 2008,18:09
I may play around with it more tonight (or this weekend) and see if I can come up with a better monochrome scheme using just black and white. I'll also see if I can find some monochrome icons to convert to xpm and make a UNC to overwrite the ones DSL uses.
Posted by lucky13 on May 20 2008,12:02
I just want to cover a few basics of jwm aesthetics here that are BEYOND the .jwmrc-theme and the .thm files you may have in /opt/jwmThemes. Some users may not be aware how easy it is to change the look of jwm to suit their tastes or needs. Or even to make it behave more like other window managers.
This is based on something posted by meo:
Quote | The jwm menu has like a space between every item that the fluxbox menu doesn't have and that helps out a lot when you don't have a perfect eye-vision. |
The basic file controlling the appearance of jwm is .jwmrc. This contains the menu as well as other customizable features of jwm. DSL factors out several files, including the theme part of .jwmrc, and uses "include" tags so the whole thing can be easily managed.
The .jwmrc-theme is "included" from within .jwmrc. Though it contains color and font information, it doesn't contain two settings found in other files: 1. The size of the menu is still in .jwmrc, and 2. The size of the tray is factored out in .jwmrc-tray.
ADDITIONAL MENU SETTINGS NOT IN THE THEME FILE Up near the top of .jwmrc are lines about the root menu. The user can add to or change some of the settings to suit tastes. The "height" tag can be made larger or smaller depending how much space the user wants between entries. The "onroot" tag can also be changed but be careful -- if you mess up that tag, you'll be without any menu until you fix the setting.
The DSL default has onroot="123". This is perfectly fine for most people, but it can be changed. Why would you change it? You can assign various menus to different mouse keys or to keystrokes (see .jwmrc-keys to see the keyboard shortcut for the menu -- more such menus can be added). My .jwmrc rootmenu entry looks like this: <RootMenu height="12" onroot="3">
I wanted my menu tighter together so I reduced the height (I'm using a 10px font so I have a pixel space above and below that).
One thing you'll notice in jwm is how pressing any mouse key on the desktop results in the same menu. By changing the onroot to three, I've un-assigned the other two mouse clicks. Now my menu pops up on the desktop only with a right click -- similar to the way fluxbox operates. As I noted, other root menus can be assigned (added to .jwmrc or factored out separately as the mydsl part of the menu is). See my thread on jwm anti-WIMP modifications for more about this.
(Note: jwm will notify you of errors if you don't assign onroot="1" but will continue to function as long as it has an assigned root menu.)
ADDITIONAL TRAY SETTINGS NOT IN THE THEME FILE The jwm tray in DSL has been factored out and is "included" in .jwmrc. There's a line at the top of the tray that can be changed to suit your needs and tastes as well. Here's mine:
<Tray halign="center" valign="top" height="21">
Compared to the DSL default, mine is shorter (giving me a little more screen real estate) and I've located it to the top of the screen. If the default is too small for you, you can make it bigger.
There are other things that can be changed in it, including its width. Anyone wanting it to have a less-wide appearance like the fluxbox tray could simply add a width="N" (where N is the desired width) setting in that same tag. You can set it on autohide. You can use it to swallow more apps. You can do pretty much whatever you want with it. You can also "include" more trays if you want them.
Or you can exclude things or move them around.
For example, I generally access my menus via keystroke (which is why the space in my menus is trivial -- no clumsy mouse pointing). That means I have no need for a menu button on my tray, so it's gone. I moved the pager to the right of the screen. I set maxwidth="100" on my tasklist ( <TaskList maxwidth="100"/>) tag so the entries on it are always fixed width instead of a percentage of the total depending how many things are open. I've also removed the dock tag from the tray because I don't want the few applications I use that are actually compliant and work with it to set up additional icons in my tray. I just have task list, pager, clock.
There are plenty of other aesthetic variables that can be changed, such as setting the clock up as desired with date, etc. Look at the jwm site for all the possible configuration variables and make jwm work for you the way you want it.
And if you screw up, remember there are copies of the DSL defaults in /etc/skel.
Posted by lucky13 on May 30 2008,14:34
This is my most recent jwm theme. It's not fancy. It's not targeted at those who want pretty desktops with shiny gradients all over the place. It started as an attempt at "mock transparency" and ended up as something no reviewer will ever like, let alone appreciate.
It's flat, basic, plain, inspired by console use (not by reggae), and for the most part uses a simple and sensible color scheme: green is active, red is inactive, with some yellow thrown in. Period. Just about everything is on black. Period.
Enjoy. Or not. < http://lucky13linux.wordpress.com/2008/05/30/jwm-theme-eye-insulin/ >
Posted by curaga on May 30 2008,14:49
Reminds me of SithWM.
Posted by lucky13 on May 30 2008,15:04
Kind of does in a way, but sithwm lacks window decorations (one pixel?) and a tray, etc. I updated and included another screenshot (link) with the same kind of color scheme in dwm, fwiw. It also matches my .screenrc.
Posted by lucky13 on June 05 2008,16:26
This is kind of off topic for this thread as well as the one for 4.4RC2 (which is where I was going to post this comment), but I addressed several points about aesthetics and function in the context of DSL's philosophy earlier this morning. It also fits in with the "five small distro" review thread elsewhere because of the many "beauty contest" reviews. I'm adding it here because this thread is specifically about theming jwm and/or DSL. < http://lucky13linux.wordpress.com/2008....-of-dsl >
Posted by roberts on June 12 2008,02:49
Open to suggestion for better arrangement of the JWM <Include> files. What should be in separate files and their contents so that easier themeing is possible?
Posted by jaapz on June 12 2008,10:45
maybe the config files should all be placed in a .jwm directory and it could be a good idea to make thuis structure: - .jwmrc-menu - .jwmrc-conf - .jwmrc-theme
and a seperate .jwmrc that includes the files i mentioned i dont know if there have to be other .jwmrc-* files, but if so, they would be made in the same way as the filenames i mentioned
Posted by humpty on June 12 2008,13:09
Not that i use jwm, but I'm wondering why has there not yet been a gui to create a theme. Judging by the config file(s), it doesn't seem that hard(?)
Posted by roberts on June 12 2008,13:42
What I had in mind was to do with Lucky13's post. Should some other elements (tags) be moved from .jwmrc into the theme include?
Posted by lucky13 on June 12 2008,15:48
The only other variable left in .jwmrc is the root menu height, which can't be factored out unless you factor out the whole root menu. Dittos for the tray height, which is already now part of the .jwmrc-tray file. For some reason, Joe W left those variables within those functions instead of separating them like the window height and color, etc. Not sure if they can be factored out as-is or if it would require source tweaks. I'll try to look at it later and see if it can be done (or if it's feasible).
I have a couple more points. First, I've written that my .jwmrc is already basically a list of include tags -- including my menus as well as the things DSL has already factored out. I think it's practical to move as much of it out of the config file as possible so it can be edited or even left out as desired (such as if a user wants to run a < 1-2kb menu/config instead of 14kb to trim resource use as much as possible). My MyDSL menu is no longer in the root menu but in another. I also moved out my "groups" variables into their own file as well.
Second, I agree with jaapz that there are enough files that it's at least worth considering a special .jwm directory for the files included in .jwmrc. I've already done that on my computers.
If that's done in the base, .jwmrc should stay in ~/ and move the include files to (for example) ~/.jwm. Then those files wouldn't need to be hidden within it and could be like the standard ~/.fluxbox files: keys, menu, tray, theme, settings (for window group configuration), etc. I don't know if that would conflict too much with the existing theme switcher.
(heavily edited)