linux-phc - undervolting patch for kernel in DSLN?Forum: DSL-N Topic: linux-phc - undervolting patch for kernel in DSLN? started by: ruserious Posted by ruserious on April 08 2007,21:36
Hi there,i was wondering, if there is any chance that the linux-phc patch can make it's way into DSL-N? I like to use DSL-N from a usb stick on my notebook when surfing, since I can power off the hdd and enjoy complete noiselesness. This would be even nicer if I could undervolt my Pentium M 740. On Ubuntu (which is the main OS), I have a custom kernel with linux-phc patch and the temperature is around 7-8 °C lower with undervolting, which makes quite a difference with respect to how often (or rather if at all) the fan runs. It's a relatively small patch, too: < > If that's not an option - where can I start reading on how to use my custom kernel with DSL-N? Posted by Juanito on April 09 2007,03:45
According to the link you supplied, the oldest kernel patched is 2.6.15 - DSL-N is 2.6.12 so it's not obvious that this patch would work.Have you tried cpufreqd - extension in the DSL-N repository - this will slow the cpu down and thus use the fan less. The cpufreq_combo extension also contains laptop-mode-tools which will power down your hd automatically. You could try reading these posts (albeit for DSL) for ideas on how to patch the DSL-N kernel - < dummy compile >, < patching 2.4.26 for cpufreqd > Posted by ruserious on April 09 2007,10:15
Oops, I totally missed this critical piece of information.
Those are all great, and indeed they help a lot in achieving the desired goal. (Though ability to undervolt would still be a nice feature, in case DSL-N does future kernel upgrades) Thanks for the links, I will take a look. ![]() Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on April 09 2007,13:24
Re: undervolting:Can't you manually set the voltage in the BIOS? Unless you need changing on-the-fly this should be "good enough"... Posted by ruserious on April 10 2007,14:17
No, I can't. I am not aware of any Notebooks where that is possible, but then I haven't seen all that many notebook BIOS menus... ;) |