Need Media Server solution for DSL-NForum: DSL-N Topic: Need Media Server solution for DSL-N started by: mshilly Posted by mshilly on Nov. 20 2007,22:08
I have been working on a headless server box:1Gb Lan RealTek onboard. 4 SataII onboard 1GB DDR2 Small Footprint case with room for 4 drives (4x1TB or 4x750GB). Booting DSL-N from 256MB USB stick and have been able to 1) Compile RealTek Gb Lan Driver with Knoppix 4.0.2 2) Use mdamd from, Knoppix 4.0.2 to create/manage Raid Array 3) Samba to share RAID Array. It is all working spectacularly (after enabling DMA on the HDDs) with my WinXP boxes, NSLU2, and CompUSA Storage/Print Server. The only thing I have left is to replace the TwonkyVision media server on the NSLU2 to serve up the UPnP to my media players (DSM-320 x 3). I tried the Linux version of TwonkyVision 4.4 Media server and it pegs the CPU at 100%. I have a feeling that the Linux binaries are expecting a later version of Linux to be running. They also have been recently purchased and are focussed on the embedded Linux applications so I don't expect I will get much help fixing the issue. I looked at UShare (from the geeXBox project) but it appears that it's dependencies are all later than what I can find on the Knoppix 4.0.2 version. Any suggestions? I would hate to have to abandon DSL-N after getting this far and I really do not need a full blown distribution to run this stuff. Posted by Juanito on Nov. 21 2007,03:45
Would the firefly.uci extension in mydsl testing be any use to you? I didn't try it on dsl-n, but it serves (audio) media files fine from dsl-3.4.6
Posted by mshilly on Nov. 21 2007,04:41
Firefly is for audio only. I need a complete A/V solution.
Posted by Juanito on Nov. 21 2007,05:22
- Ah, I thought it did video too.
- You could compile the required apps/libs and ushare into a mydsl extension, many of the extensions are made in order to add later versions of libs, etc. Posted by curaga on Nov. 21 2007,16:43
Later dependencies?
To me it lists only gcc, libupnp and libdlna. I believe only gcc of these is included in Knoppix, and you don't need libdlna at all if you don't have a PS3. So it's only compiling the newest libupnp ![]() Posted by mshilly on Nov. 21 2007,20:18
Yea, I don't have a PS3, yet.... but that is one of the reasons I am migrationg the AV server off of the NSLU2. High Def is in my future and that means a lot more storage space and a beefier server.I was trying to do some compiling last night using the Knoppix 4.0.2 Live-CD. I compiled a couple of small things (Realtek 8110SC GbLan Driver and mdadm) just for kicks. Then I tried the libdlna and it apparently has a dependency on libavformat and some codecs that I need to find. I may have been a little hasty saying that Twonky didn't work. I think I found that my installation may have been faulty. I ran it on my laptop on Knoppix 4.0.2 Live-CD and it appeared to install normally and behave itself after being started. I will report back this evening when I get another chance to re-install the TwonkyVision MediaServer. Posted by curaga on Nov. 22 2007,16:26
Libdlna gets all those from ffmpeg..Check Mediatomb out too Posted by mshilly on Nov. 23 2007,02:26
Well, I moved to Knoppix 4.0.2 and have everything working....I managed to figure out how to get it onto a USB Flash and get the startup scripts to start RAID, SSH, SAMBA, and the Media Server. I was hoping to use DSL to fit it on a 256MB Flash but it looks like I will either have to re-master Knoppix or stick with a 1GB Flash. Just one more thing to do... CUPS and Windows printing over Samba. Thanks for the help. Posted by Juanito on Nov. 23 2007,05:22
There are cups and samba extensions in the mydsl library - I didn't try these with dsl-n though...Edit: It might be better to take the hplip (edit out the hplip stuff, it contains cups) and samba-3 extensions since they will not over-write the base dsl-n with dsl files |