DSL 4.2.2Forum: Site News Topic: DSL 4.2.2 started by: roberts Posted by roberts on Dec. 28 2007,17:36
DSL v4.2.2 is now available.Change Log: * Enhanced JWM, double-click title bar now shades/unshades. * Enhanced MyDSL dfm shortcut/icon creation and removal. * Restored udf filesystem module. * Fixed bug in frugal_grub.sh to correctly add Windows entry when chosen. * Fixed typo in .jwmrc-tray, Dillo now opens Getting Started correctly. * Updated "Getting Started" to reflect .filetool.lst & .xfiletool.lst under /opt/ * Fixed typo in knoppix-autoconfig. * Added and enhanced Lua library functions5.lua. Files likely in your backup that need to be updated since 4.2.1: .jwmrc-tray Posted by JohnJS on Dec. 28 2007,21:38
Errors on shutdown with both 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.Dillo from apps/net/dillo: I get: no support enc. Dillo from tray: I get: http.warning bad clocks ignore expire on >http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/cga-bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi< pls two more times ending with: cgi?act=sf;f=f< and: cig?act=st;f=4;t=19559< Also get: Xremovegrab widget not on list. Posted by roberts on Dec. 28 2007,23:34
You forgot and left off the "warning"**warning** no support enc It is only a warning having to do with locale. It has been around a long time. Search forums. The other cgi stuff seems dillo failed on that page. There has been no change to Dillo or any of its libraries. ldd /usr/local/bin/dillo. Posted by kuky on Dec. 29 2007,15:05
ndiswrapper turn to have problems in aterm with characters ....i think the same that ver 4.1 ....
Posted by samsocal on Dec. 30 2007,09:21
I was reading the release notes for version 4.XX and I really haven't noticed much significant change since the 2.0 version that I'm currently running. It seems there's a lot of fluff and redundancy in the newer releases - new wallpapers, new themes, multiple editors, etc. Don't get me wrong, DSL has been my favorite release since I stumbled across it several years ago, but I'm just wondering why bother to make new releases unless they really count? Newer kernel, bug fixes, c compiler, improved HD install are all good. I may upgrade just for those, but it's a pain and really not worth the effort just to upgrade for new wallpapers and such. I'd like to see more substance in the new releases. Addition of features that people really need. Many other distros have features like bittorrents, etc that I'd like to see in DSL and I'd like to see fewer changes like:"* Updated firefox default preferences to use SansSerif font." I'd also like to see more detailed explanation for changes like: "New mtpaint replaces xpaint." When I see release notes like that I ask "Why?". Perhaps the reasoning behind it will be apparent once I use the new paint program but on the surface I don't see the justification for changing. I'm an embedded systems programmer myself and I truly appreciate all the hard work that has gone into DSL. It just frustrates me when I see changes that are made with little or no apparent benefit. I'll give the new release a try and see if I like it enough to upgrade. I tried version 3.0 when it was released and I honestly wasn't impressed enough to make the change. Ted vs Flwriter, and Calcoo vs Xcalc just didn't cut it for me. The additional French and Thai keyboard support also wasn't enough to sway me, but if it greatly increased DSL's customer base then that's great. I know it's easy for me to complain because I'm the customer, but I really hope that my comments are seen as constructive criticism and not as mindless bashing. I've been proud to recommend DSL to all my friends over the years and I'd like more reasons to continue recommending future releases. Best wishes for a great 2008! Posted by curaga on Dec. 30 2007,16:44
DSL follows the "release early, release often" - Linus's law.It's a question of, when anything worth releasing has gathered, why hold it back until a "big" change occurs? For reasons behind mtpaint, check my thread in Suggestions (Replace xpaint with mtpaint) Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 30 2007,16:51
I count a lot more bugfixes than what you complained about, samsocal. I don't think the changes between 2.0 and 4.2.2 are trivial. To each his own.
Posted by roberts on Dec. 30 2007,23:18
I have tested and see an issue with 4.x resulting from the change in the initial 4.0RC series. The binary is now not matching with the corresponding module, resulting in a failure to connect for my usb wireless device. I am correcting this now. Thanks for bring this to my attention. Posted by kuky on Dec. 31 2007,00:11
after 2 hours of recretional dsl 4.2 i have the next cloncusions...if i begin by to load gtk7..dsl [hdinstall} .... ndiswrapper is ko[ in aterm} if i begin by ndiswrapper its ok [the fact is that i write the post with ver 4.2 in live cd with ndiswrapper with no load gtk} previous i reload ver 3.4.8 and have the same answer...i am puting i order my mind to finish the year 2007 with firefox 20011 and thunderbird 2009 in uci and in spanish, who need gtk, maybe in the begining of 2008.... to be continued... edit the last day of the year 2007 the problem was i used and old ver of gtk207.. dsl if i begin with the local load do not work, with the actual its ok ...murphys law...can be useful to add upx to names of files.. [/B]SOLVED Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Dec. 31 2007,00:53
I suppose it could be better if an explicit reason was given for a change though (detailed changelog perhaps?)... Posted by roberts on Dec. 31 2007,01:23
This is not a commercial distribtuion. There are not hundreds of programmers. There is really only one. Change log change? Why now? Read the Notes section of the website. I don't belive much has changed in content or style since I took over the developement including the change log at about v0.5. If anything it is more detailed than the very early releases prior to 0.5. I didn't want to be dragged into answering this guy complaints. He complains about lack of new base programs, but then when there is one, he still complains. Please show me all the new developement in gtk1, fltk, or other light base widget set. I think we have an entire community on the look out for such. That is how mtpaint was suggested. I thank the community for their involvement, efforts, and sharing. Implementing drag-n-drop not only in DSL core, but the dynamic MyDSL extension system, and remain compatible with the prior application launcher system of v2.0's xtdesk, can hardly be described as simple as the addition of a wallpaper. I find his remarks very insulting. Selectively reading the Change log or Notes section to complain is hardly worth my time to respond. If one finds a bug, report it. I have always stood by to fix, repair, and improve the system. I would suggest to anyone to go back and re-read the < Notes > section. For some, I do not work hard or fast enough, for others I move the devlopement too quickly. You can never please everyone and I am not trying too. When you devote your time to a free project, it had better be damn interesting to you, otherwise you are a fool to be damned for your efforts. -- Robert Posted by blip on Dec. 31 2007,02:21
I was afraid of reading the responses to this post! It's amazing the way Robert finds the time to update DSL and respond to all the comments people make...he is very patient...you can't please everyone like he says.... Implementing a drag and drop feature into the OS is a massive step forward ( especially for those people who were not used to using a filemanager )...I wouldn't call that a small change... I can see a lot of people ( windows users ) who wouldn't have touched DSL 2.....version 4 is a big improvement if you ask me...... Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Dec. 31 2007,04:43
The point form is much (!) easier to read,but I was thinking more of something like adding: - link to related forum thread, or - note to show the obvious? (such as "easier to read" on the font change - maybe it's not so obvious to others) Although I can easily see how this can be a tedious task... and one may not know where to draw the line from being too technical, or too pedantic, etc. I wonder if anyone would want to perhaps maintain a wiki-driven entry... Posted by Genecks on Dec. 31 2007,16:56
I sometimes think people update things without proofreading them. For instance, I just edited FrugalGrub install and fixed it myself. A true lack of technical writing at its best. I wasn't very pleased with that fact, since I just did the poor man's install via net. I'm the one who updated the page and discussion page in the wiki, too.After the poor man's, I decided to do the frugal install from the Live-environment. After noticing it didn't work, I was like, "Oh @Q#$Q@#$, now I have to look for that file, edit it, and test it until it works." If there is something I've learned from my years of dealing with science (in the lab and out) and with technology, it's that you don't release something unless you've fixed it. Or at least you don't say you've fixed it until you've tried it over and over and over again like a person with an obsessive-compulsive disorder. That's part of the scientific method, which people fail at. However, I do understand Linus's (do my work for me) philosophy. :| It works now. I pretty much changed the protocol to ftp. I took out those stupid mirrors that weren't ibiblio: distro.ibiblio.org NOT ibiblio.org. And for another thing, I think the "l" in Linux was still capitalized, which needs to be lower-case. Now, the mirror issue is somewhat independent. I'm not too sure, but the letter "l" is a serious problem. Either way, the script didn't work and I made it work. Another thing would have to be the numlock issue I'm having. Other than that: 1. The mydsl stuff is super buggy I tried scrolling through the available items, but it gave me the info page for each one. I didn't want the info page each time. I just wanted to scroll down. 2. Where are the ttys? I'd like at least 1 tty in the background. It seems like tty1 was used to startx on tty2, and now I've got none in the background. 3. How do I switch to workspace 2? I was doing the frugal install, and I decided to move it to workspace 2. Brilliant...not a smart move, because I couldn't get to workspace 2 with a ctrl+alt+right ![]() I lost my work. Other than that, things look a little better than 3.4, or whatever I was using a while ago. mtpaint looks interesting. But I'd still like a tty in the background, because it would give me the ability to quickly access a terminal. And I don't have a mouse, and the ctrl+alt+numlock didn't work, so my only alternative (without knowing everyting about jwm and whatnot) was to try to use a tty to understand the system I am using. It wasn't there, so I was SOL. Luckily, I did find solitaire. ![]() Posted by john.martzouco on Dec. 31 2007,17:17
Hi ge, DSL is a work in progress. It's also an amazing operating system! It's not right to apply commercial standards to a community project. You did the right thing by updating the Wiki. We all need to pitch in to keep this beauty moving forward. Robert is doing an outstanding job on his own... but let's not work him to death. The scientific principle applied to this community project calls for the consumer to test the product in his lab before commiting to it. Let me suggest that you use QEMU, VMWare or MS VirtualPC to work out the kinks before installing new versions on your target machine. This approach has saved me many times... I've blown up several virtual installations already but my laptop clients have never suffered. With my regards, John Posted by curaga on Dec. 31 2007,17:30
As DSL is targeted to low-performance (and -ram) systems, it would be huge waste of memory to have say 4 shells in the back. Think what that would do to a 16mb system.For workspace keybindings, I haven't checked them out yet, but I've never seen ctrl+alt+right get used, they're usually ctrl+number, alt+number or alt+f-key. I think there's also a keybinding to fire up a xterm. Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 31 2007,18:01
My, how convenient that would be. The rest of the world is perfect, so jump all over DSL. < http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20071214/tc_pcworld/140559 > < http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=758 >
What issue would that be? I've tried 4.2.2 and 3.4 on a variety of keyboards and laptops with NO numlock issues. Maybe you could find more assistance if you'd be as specific about what you've tried to do and what has or hasn't happened as you've been in the rest of your criticism.
That's not buggy, it was designed for point and click use.
Alt-2. You can read the keybindings and change them to suit your needs. They're in .jwmrc-keys. Posted by roberts on Dec. 31 2007,18:42
Instead of whinning about this and that be specific.You say you are scientific then give no details, just whinning. If you are going to quote science then "walk the talk".
The Wiki was setup for the users by the users and is maintained by the users. It is not as I have stated so many times not THE documentation of the DSL project. A man of science could do a "bang up job" to contributing to the wiki.
As a man of science, no details? Interesting. Someone who takes and does not contribute back? That's not good science. Yet funny that you seem to be the only one having this issue. Every machine I run and test is frugal installed. Many, many users run DSL in this manner.
Walk the talk. Science is not done in isolation. Contributions and sharing is science. That was the purpose of the web and why it got started; sharing science.
Sarcasm is a waste of bandwidth. Do you feel that you contributed anything to the cause? But, of course, that was never your intent. Pity. Posted by Genecks on Dec. 31 2007,19:09
All you could do was create an antithesis against the philosophy of science instead of base your views on the current distribution. You instead decided to create an ad hominem. Sad."Science is not done in isolation" Plenty, plenty, of science is done in isolation. Edison locked himself up in a shed away from his wife and kids until he figured out carbon would help develop the lightbulb. Read about it. "The Wiki was setup for the users by the users and is maintained by the users." So, why is it on your domain again? I know damn well if something wasn't mine, I wouldn't have it part of my domain. I wouldn't even want to be affiliated with it. I mean, to not be affiliated to a minimum would mean not making it part of my domain. I think I gave plenty of details. If you want to try to win an an argument by changing the necessities for something to be existent, then I just refuse to play your long-drawn philosophy game. I gave plenty of details. "We don't even know what version you are running. " Gee, I wonder what this thread is labeled. Hmm, you know, I just don't know. I only attack when I attacked; so, yes, I am now using sarcasm. And I think I shared plenty of details. If you're a programmer and can't deduct what I've changed in the code by erasing the mirrors that aren't ibiblio, then you apparent can't figure out this equation: a + b = a + b a - a + b = b Most of what I did share, I added to the wiki ealier today. Oh yes, sure, the wiki is for the users to contribute. Sure, because you follow the Linux doctrine of getting others to do your work while you simply tweak things here and there. You know what? I bet you would have a slight clue as to wtf was wrong with your distro unless people told you; so with a grain of salt, understand the complaints are also bug reports or things that you haven't documented well enough to the public. Because of that, it shows you have lacked the documentation for your own project. Posted by lucky13 on Dec. 31 2007,19:26
Would you like some documentation? I'd really like to throw a copy of the DSL Book at you right now. Please behave yourself.Edit...
*You* know what? Companies like Microsoft, Apple, etc., have large teams of programmers working on their operating systems and software, yet they rely on user feedback and other third parties (such as security companies) to fix or help improve various problems. So do software developers whether they're closed or open source. Do you consider them totally oblivious to what they spend day and night working on, sometimes for no pay? DSL doesn't have a large team. It's one man and a community. One man can only do so much. And as you've proven, it can be a thankless job. The community is vital to things like wikis and extensions and helping others. If you can be constructive and helpful, you can play a role in improving this for yourself and others. You're not helping anyone if you're going to attack the developer. Spare your specious attacks and criticism. Posted by curaga on Dec. 31 2007,20:48
If you want things improved, I have to agree with lucky13, attacking the main developer is not the way to go. Posted by roberts on Dec. 31 2007,22:48
It must be something in the water? Or perhaps it is global warming.What a way to end the year. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Jan. 01 2008,04:53
Having installation problems typically is the result of not rebooting after partitioning...2. There is documentation and threads for having additional tty's. 3. ctrl+alt+arrow are defaults used in gnome and VT's, but vary in each environment 4. Afaik using a keyboard driven mouse requires the use of some program setup (think there was a forum thread here).
It just seemed like you posted in the wrong thread... Usually if you have a specific change, a diff or instructions would be useful for others... and some may actually post a finished result, etc. as this is for the community (but you posted it to the wiki now?) ... I just suppose it seems there are different thoughts on what a community supported project _should_ be. And happy new year! (keep the fishes smilin') Posted by roberts on Jan. 01 2008,16:15
Anyone running 4.x is strongly encouraged to upgrade to 4.2.2.dfm icons for extensions that have "embedded xtdesk right-click menus", e.g. Open Office, are now supported. dfm icons for extensions that prefixed PATH statements in the command area, e.g., Tcl/Tk, are now supported. Thanks goes to jls for pointing out the deficiencies in prior 4.x versions. Posted by TTK=Teobromina_Tool_Kit on Jan. 01 2008,16:22
Happy new year to everybody! I understand Roberts very well, when he decides to issue another release after a series of bug fixes or small improvement. I am following DSL from the beggining. At that time the main live distro was Knoppix, which was very big for my purposes and having menus a little confusing to me (not well ordered) and there was also Demolinux, that very soon became obsolete because the lack of new releases. Not much more. There were very few small live distros, some of them without graphical interfase, as LinuxCare, some other with a primitive interfase, like MuLinux, and in this context DSL appeared, and also Feather (Among other sons of DSL) and Puppy... Later on it came a series of medium size live distros like Slax, Beatrix, Sam (now Sam has grow)... and some other for specific purposes (recovery, server, firewall, etc). Today we can see that only DSL and Puppy as very small graphical desktop live linux with optional extensions, have lasted enough to grow in perfomance. Presently I have chosen again, between DSL and Puppy, and I still prefer DSL because is easy to understand and its developement remains following a clearer line. If there are, each time, less advantages between two releases this is meaning that the DSL distro is reaching a good limit (remember the limits theory). This is happening as well with other big distros like SUSE or Ubuntu. The DSL distro is a mature fruit. I enjoy every DSL change, because it means an improvement. I do not need to update my system after every release, but since the system is essentially a live one, the update consist in burning the new copy on a RW-CD, that costs five minutes. I keep two or three CDS with old previous releases, to have a fast back to a safe position if a new release does not fit my needs, and that is all. So as a DSL old and lasting user, I encourage Roberts and all the Community contributors to follow this excellent work. ![]() *JT. Posted by john.martzouco on Jan. 01 2008,17:55
I installed 4.2.2 on a VirtualPC machine a couple of hours ago and am playing with it. I like the cosmetic changes very much! It has pizzazz again.I'll probably migrate forward on this version soon. Posted by kuky on Jan. 01 2008,22:46
Good mornig to alls...and peace over the world..dsl ver 4.2.2 its Ok ...the work its great...its said by a compulsive tester kuky...the problem is to climb the curve of knowledge (as usual between vers).. Where is the problem...? in dsl.org..more specifically in mydsl.org , there are so many ways of being organized as users are in the forum... how the problem is big i open a thread in user feedback , mydsl.org, to discuss, by all , about Vision mission goals and the human capital to do a linux distro and a linux.org ... Posted by BobH on Jan. 02 2008,07:31
I have been a DSL user for quite a while. While I've bought a few items (a mini-CD), some mini-ITX items, and made a small donation, I must say that I've received much more than I've given. DSL v4.2.2 is but one of the many iterations of a well thought out line of Linux releases developed to fill a void in useful operating system software for older, less capable systems.........yet certainly fun to run as a frugal release in a virtual machine (as I do). I have "fun" making things work. Sometimes it drives me crazy, but in the end I end up learning something. I wish I had the technical ability to do more. If you have the ability, donate time, energy, and ideas (money?). If you don't like this forum or distrubution, there's plenty more available. Maybe you'd like to start your own? Thank you all for ANOTHER great year. Bob Posted by jpeters on Jan. 02 2008,08:35
DSL is probably more art than science, which must be quite frustrating to the early potty training set. Science attempts to establish an absolute by laboriously testing a null hypothesis. DSL starts with a vision which is expressed via the creative manipulation of language. As opposed to absolutes, the expression is dynamic and transient (and often flawed). I share what worked for me (at the moment) with no guarantee it will work for you. The community builds on itself, forms it's own process. Why DSL has made it this far, where so many other distros have failed, is probably a combination of the inherent usefulness of the vision (a small, portable, very fast, efficient, operating system contrary to the direction of mainstream systems) and the work of a few gifted individuals like Robert who could take the initial vision and expand it into it's current state. DSL's life, however, is dependent on the community that supports it. Science does best in the laboratory, but tends to fail in the community, where the elements of unpredictability and unforeseen variables continue to play havoc. May DSL continue to be riddled with holes, like the rest of life. Posted by tres on Jan. 03 2008,10:50
HelloI have a very old laptop Toshiba Satellite Pro 460CDT (Pentium 166MMX, 32MB Ram) I have installed DSL V4 with no problems and works great. Now I´m trying to boot DSL v4.1 and v4.2.2 from the CDRom but gives me a 'boot failure' and doesn´t start. -md5 is ok on both .iso´s and are burned x2- Any advice? regards ![]() Posted by roberts on Jan. 03 2008,15:23
Are you using the syslinux edition of the cd?Typically older computers can boot from this edition. Posted by jpeters on Jan. 03 2008,15:26
If it's anything like my Dell latitudes, the problem is the crap cdrom device. I've got four of them that I have to interchange, hoping to find one that works, and that usually takes several attempts. If it boots from the USB and have a better CD rom, that would be the answer (my Dells do not, so that's not an option).
Posted by curaga on Jan. 03 2008,16:21
Robert, the cdrtools build system makes some files owned by user bin. I forgot to change that in the tarball, so could you change all those into root?
Posted by roberts on Jan. 03 2008,16:59
curaga,Yes, will do. Thanks so much for this contribtution. Having dvd write ability is awesome. Posted by struppi on Jan. 03 2008,17:13
quite strange... i'm testing 4.2.2 with vmware player and the complete mydsl-system doesn't work. the needed lua-scripts seem to be empty files.... :rock:and: rename icons for appropriate icons in the jwm's window titles - eg: firefox.xpm -> mozilla.xpm, one folder icon to "dfm.xpm" for all the dfm windows and so on. to get the needed WM_NAME just use "xprop" in a terminal and click the window to identify. Posted by curaga on Jan. 03 2008,17:19
Don't forget blu-ray ![]() struppi: looks weird indeed. Is the iso corrupt? This could also be a bug in vmware.. Posted by struppi on Jan. 03 2008,17:31
iso is ok ... this would be a funny vmware bug ![]() Posted by tres on Jan. 04 2008,08:34
Hi roberts. Yes, I´m using syslinux edition. DSL v4 syslinux CD boots ok but DSL 4.1 and 4.2.2 syslinux doesn´t. I will try again with another media cd brand. thank you! Posted by JohnJS on Jan. 06 2008,19:11
Just noticed 4.2.2 mtpaint 'cannot load file' myscreen.xwd from x window snapshot.Also noticed 3.4.8 xpaint does not open from icon or from command line. 4.2.2 from livecd toram with sda1 restore 3.4.8 from frugal/lilo/toram Edit: re-burned another copy of 3.4.8. Still no xpaint. Used 3.4.7 xpaint works okay. Posted by roberts on Jan. 06 2008,22:01
Thanks for reporting.Oops, my bad. I replaced xpaint with mtpaint on v3 and forgot that I had. I need to update menu and icon. You can use imagemagick extension to view myscreen.xwd, the default output of "X Snapshot". Posted by JohnJS on Jan. 06 2008,22:08
Thanks roberts.Have been using gimp to convert .xwd to jpeg. Best wishes for a flawless surgery. Posted by roberts on Jan. 06 2008,22:26
Thanks John, I am really NOT looking forward to it. But I have waited about as long as I can. I am getting severe headaches tyring to see.I am going to post another maintenance release for both editions with the latest fixes and new items. Posted by JohnJS on Jan. 07 2008,02:45
FYI:In the interim using command mtpaint opens the program. edit: above for 3.4.8. |