Copying To Harddrive

Forum: HD Install
Topic: Copying To Harddrive
started by: Gamzarme

Posted by Gamzarme on Dec. 05 2005,00:49
Hi. I'm new to using Linux. This is my first distro I've ever played around with (mainly because I'm on dial-up so it's a reasonable size). Anyway, I'm having a prob.
After selecting 'Boot From CD' in the BIOS of my Pentium 75, 100MHz, 40MB of RAM laptop, it gives me the options.
Then, regardless of which kind of installing I proceed with, it starts giving errors in trying to load the data onto the harddrive.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Or is the hardware too low for even this distro? What's the deal?

Posted by larkl on Dec. 05 2005,12:26
If you're booting from the live CD, you shouldn't be copying anything to the hard drive, as you're running off the CD and the drive is unmounted.  What kind of error are you getting?
Posted by sarah on Dec. 05 2005,16:10
The hardware should do it - your machine is better has better specs than mine (and you have a CD ROM!) I'm pretty new to Linux, but I'll try to help you as best I can since I got DSL up on a P75/16M RAM no CD laptop.

Also larkl is right - more information about the error messages is good. :o) (You get help from larkl and other experts that way ;o) )

In the mean time, when you get the DSL boot screen, try using the following boot options:
(At the prompt for boot:)
dsl 2 lowram vga=normal mem=40M base

I probably wouldn't try to copy anything yet, just see if you can get into a text-based version of DSL. At least then you narrow the scope of the problem somewhat (to being likely an X problem). My machine kept giving me seg faults until I added the "mem=" boot option.  Good luck.

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