Install locks upForum: HD Install Topic: Install locks up started by: Smashed_187 Posted by Smashed_187 on Dec. 15 2005,16:34
I've had problems with this sound card in mandriva 10.1, it won't work at all, its not even the right sound card its detecting. I've given up a long time ago trying to get sound working, but the problem now is that DSL locks up every time I boot it to install from the CD. Is there an install option that will stop it from detecting my soundcard?THanks in advance, Ben Posted by BarkingOwl on Dec. 15 2005,16:55
Ben,Are you getting to the boot: prompt? If so, try entering the following boot command: dsl failsafe This disables most of the hardware detection during the boot process. For more information check out this < DSL Wiki topic >. Cheers! Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 15 2005,19:29
Actually, I think it is just:failsafe and NOT dsl failsafe Posted by BarkingOwl on Dec. 15 2005,22:38
D'oh! Good catch. Thanks!
Posted by Smashed_187 on Dec. 15 2005,23:19
Alright, got it booting into knoppix. Next problem is that it tells me it can't find a knoppix filesystem and that its booting into a *very!* limited shell. Is this something to do with the filesystem on my cd?![]() Posted by Smashed_187 on Dec. 15 2005,23:42
Oh, this is an Omnibook 4100, PII 300mhz Laptop with 64MB of ram. Now its locking up at mouse detection when I boot with the "dsl 1 nosound" option. Fun.
Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 17 2005,04:22
OK, how doesdsl 1 nosound noscsi work? And worst case: dsl 1 nosound nohwsetup Posted by Smashed_187 on Dec. 26 2005,10:46
Ok. Nogo still, still locking up...I know your going to tell me to put it in a desktop, but I don't have one to do that with...I would like to do an install from the HD if possible, and not a frugal, I have a 9GB hdd and a 300Mhz cpu, so Speed is the priority...any suggestions?
Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 27 2005,19:36
Actually, I'm out of ideas. I don't know how to disable anything else in this part of the boot process that could help you.
Posted by Smashed_187 on Dec. 28 2005,08:56
So no way to boot off a cd or floppy and get it to read the install files from the hd? Thanks for your help as well..even if I do end up a windoze user again.
Posted by sarah on Dec. 28 2005,10:22
I'm pretty new at the Linux thing, but I got my little old toshiba laptop up and running (it's a 16MB RAM P75 machine) - it's not fast, but it works :o)Can you boot from Tom's Root and Boot disk? If so, you might be able to copy the KNOPPIX and the boot folders from the CD to the harddisk and run the installer from that. The info for Tom's root and boot and DSL frugal installation is found at: < > < > The instructions at the top of the Wiki page tell you how to use Toms Root and Boot to partition your HDD before you attempt to install via the net. In your case, you could do all the partitioning stuff using the tomsrtbt disk. Reboot and then use Tomsrtbt to copy the files across from the CD. I don't know that booting from HDD would make much difference, but it might be worth a shot..? Good luck! Cheers and beers, Sarah Posted by Smashed_187 on Dec. 29 2005,11:58
Thanks for the advice, but I am really trying to avoid a frugal install...I need the system to run as fast as it can. I'll try it though, anything is better than nothing:D
Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 29 2005,20:45
Well if you really want a full HD install, you could do the whole "frugal install thing" and then use your frugall installation to perform a full hd install. Just make sure that the /boot directory has been copied over to your frugal installation location.