PostScript fonts?

Forum: HD Install
Topic: PostScript fonts?
started by: RoGuE_StreaK

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on June 02 2004,01:55
Well, I've managed to get Scribus to install (I think), apart from having to add into /usr/lib the rest of the dependacy problems I think are fixed with the packages downloaded for an "enhanced install"
However, as Scribus is attempting to start up, it says that it cannot find any postscript fonts, and that it can't(?) work without them.  So, any ideas on how to install some PS fonts?  Or is there maybe a workaround?

I'll need to do a fresh HD install at some stage, see exactly which packages are needed to run Scribus, then maybe attempt to cut it down to create a dsl extension...

Posted by cbagger01 on June 02 2004,02:59
This is just a guess on my part but try and install the Ghostscript package.  Hopefully it will include the ps fonts.  You may need to add the appropriate new font locations to your path or fontpath, or maybe the scribus setup screens will help.
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