using dsl as lan host

Forum: HD Install
Topic: using dsl as lan host
started by: monkeyman

Posted by monkeyman on May 23 2006,13:55

i am currently using win2k as my desktop with 2 other pc's sharing my internet connection. specs are:
p2 333mhz
64mb ram
3gb HD

i want to install dsl to the HD and basically be choose to go into DSl or win2k and connect to the inetnet and be able to share. So i would like a rough guide on howto set this up and need to know where to get these packages (such as modem driver) as i will not be able to use myDsl. any advise or suggestions about installing dsl and network configuring would be appreciated.

hope that made sense...and yes im new to using any kind of linux distro.

thnx in advance

Posted by ZoOp on May 23 2006,15:36

I'm not sure that I have understood what you want, but here is my experience:

1. 3 pcs, one at home and a second at my office, both with DSL on (frugal toram), and a third pc at my office with win xp on, this last one without monitor, keyboard and mouse; the xp pc is meant to be a kind of 'server' with only some specific apps that can't be used in linux;

2. I share files with Betaftpd (for the DSL machines) and Filezilla (installed on the xp machine); I am using gftp for the transfert between machines; I mostly work with DSL and just for specific purpose with some apps in winxp; I write my emails with thunderbird and I am surfing with dillo and firefox;

3. I have to have a visual access to my two DSL pc and to my xp machine; I'm using vnc between the two DSL pc; I access my xp pc through rdesktop and I use apps of the xp pc from my DSL pc;

4. all pcs work since 2 months without any shutdown or reboot, and without any problem; my hd is a usb stick, which I can use at home or at my office, or elsewhere; I keep an external hd for backup purpose of my usb-stick once a month.

I don't want to make any apology of the computing age. But it's just a fact, that without DSL, it would not be possible to build this network, because of the age of the hardware and the amount of money to have in order to buy licences of OS and related apps. It shows the extend of the concept of Robert and John. It is not only a technical revolution in computing, but also a social and cultural one in the field of access to technologies, and through them to knowledge, social relationships, practical opportunities, etc.

I hope it helps.


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