Hw to install the Grub on the partition of DSL ?Forum: HD Install Topic: Hw to install the Grub on the partition of DSL ? started by: mcmic Posted by mcmic on Nov. 12 2006,07:54
Hi Volks,I am a absolut Linux Newbie. I have installed DSL on a HD Partition, among Xp and a other Linux, to play around with it. But, the intsall routine of DSL allows to install the grub only in the MBR. After it i cant start XP or the other Linux. And i must to reset the MBR with a dos Bootcd and fdisk /mbr. And after this i cant start my DSL from HD. Is it possible to install the grub of DSL in the same partition of it, like by the other Linux i have installed? And please, can anybody tell me how?? Best Step by Step ? Thank you very much for helping !! M. Posted by Ramik on Nov. 12 2006,12:08
Their are a couple of things you can do:1. Check out Grub4Dos - this way you will be able to load grub from the NTLDR (the bootloader that comes with windows NT/2000/XP), and you will not be dependent on grub to load Windows. 2. Put windows in the Grub menu. 3. lilo *. their are other options but those are unnecessary... Since you're new to linux, Grub4Dos is best since you will be able to change its settings from windows: < http://grub4dos.sourceforge.net/ > Posted by mcmic on Nov. 12 2006,17:34
Oh ,that sounds good !!I will download it and try it out. Thank you very much. mcmic |