SATA install

Forum: HD Install
Topic: SATA install
started by: protias

Posted by protias on Nov. 23 2006,19:11
I did a search for trying to install on a sata drive to no avail.  I want to put DSL on my WD320KS.  I am attempting with DSL 3.1r4.

Machine parts are as follows:

MSI K9VGM-V Socket AM2 VIA K8M890 Micro ATX AMD Motherboard
CORSAIR ValueSelect 256MB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 533 (PC2 4200) System Memory Model VS256MB533D2
AMD AM2 2800+ Sempron

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 23 2006,20:20
DSL does not come with SATA modules - try DSL v2.1b (or some other versions around there)
Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,04:35
So why does an older version support SATA and the newer version does not?
Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,04:42
I did find < this >.  Would this help to get to the most recent version?
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 24 2006,06:01
Those versions used the 2.4.31 kernel, while DSL has stuck with the original 2.4.26.
There were a couple custom-user builds that used 2.4.27 afaik.. but a longer while back.

Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,06:03
I shall try 2.x version then.  Hopefully I can get my box up and running.
Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,06:30
Well, seems like 2.0, 2.1, and 2.1b do not work.  I did try FreeBSD 6.1 x386 does install.  At least I now have a small and secure OS.  I just wish it was as small as DSL.  Maybe one day SATA will be supported, and I look forward to that day.
Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,06:51
Well, FreeBSD did not work either.  Gparted did not see the drive.  It's late, I suppose I should get some sleep.
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 24 2006,13:46
Well perhaps your sata chipset wasn't detected... in that case you may have to load some extra modules.

If you boot off the livecd you can check system tools/logs for more info.

Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,16:13
Ok, so Ubuntu 6.06 sees the drive, but I cannot create any partitions.  It is seen as /dev/sda.  I know Linux distros usually do see SATA drives as SCSI.  What I will try is to put my drive in another machine that I installed my raptor in.  The Asus A8N5X should see it.  I will keep you posted.
Posted by roberts on Nov. 24 2006,16:37
If you are attempting to use dsl-2.1x with sata drives, you also need to use the boot parameter 'sata'
Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,16:55
Well, after my Asus A8N5X did not install DSL on my WD320KS, I've decided to drop SATA and go with my WD320JB.
Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,16:57
I did not see your reply roberts before I replied.  So when you are suppose to hit enter to boot, you type "sata" and then enter?  Correct?
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 24 2006,17:02
just fyi, they are not actually scsi, besides using its subsystem sdxx is just a naming convention used in general for sata, scsi, usb, etc.

I think you may have to boot with "dsl sata" [enter]

Posted by roberts on Nov. 24 2006,17:06
At the very first boot prompt instead of pressing enter:

boot: dsl sata

Beaware that v2.x is no longer supported. When I made that version we lost much support for older hardware, which is our base.

Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,17:08
I do not have older hardware as you can see in my first post.  Do you think I'll lose functionality with this kernel?
Posted by roberts on Nov. 24 2006,17:15
Perhaps not, but you will lose DSL specific functionality that I have added/improved since 2.x series. See change log for specifics.
Posted by protias on Nov. 24 2006,17:24
I wish I had more time to mess around with SATA and DSL.  For now, I'll just use my JB model and hopefully in the future SATA will work.  Any idea when the 2.6 kernel be used?  From the little I know, it seems like a good jump forward.
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 24 2006,18:08
You may want to try DSL-N with comes with a 2.6 kernel and gtk2 apps among other things.

Or you could also set your SATA drive to "legacy" mode and see if that helps.

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