kernel - would you have use for it?

Forum: HD Install
Topic: kernel - would you have use for it?
started by: curaga

Posted by curaga on April 19 2007,15:38
Recently I compiled for my DSL system. It includes supermount, ntfs-2g and bootsplash, is optimized for pentium-classic, has built-in some stuff for my comp (intel ide chipset support, usb and sound cores) and doesn't have support for some oddball stuff I don't have (Fusion mpt, raid, dec-/arcnet, token ring, fibre channel, bluetooth, irda, pcmcia (it's a desktop)...)

For areas it has, it has actually more support than 2.4.26 (wifi, sound, ethernet, usb...). It boots faster than DSL default kernel, is ~750k and it's modules are ~7mb (if I remember correctly)

So, if anyone would have use for it, I could make it an extension.. So reply if you are interested..

The reason this topic is in Hd-install is I haven't made an initrd yet, so this wouldn't be much use to frugal users..

Posted by roberts on April 19 2007,15:54
Yeah, I am running with that kernel as well.
Easy to do on hard drive installation.
Easy to say, it works for my system.

I doubtt I would accept and then try to support user built kernels. especially when this will be forthcomming.

I guess the releases don't come fast enough.

Posted by curaga on April 19 2007,16:00
Okay. I didn't mean you would need to support it, or not even accept it to Official Mydsl. After getting it users would be on their own..
Just thought someone might have use for it... BTW DSL default kernel does not have bootsplash....

Posted by curaga on April 20 2007,16:19
After more thinking, it got to me that people who have both skill and need for this, can do it on their own.

Roberts, it would be good if you added the lck patchset to or whatever the current one is when you upgrade. It would add both performance & features (bootsplash, better ntfs support, supermount).

Can you think of any reason not to add it? It's very stable...

Posted by gammelmarakuja on May 06 2007,12:54
how about a 2.6 kernel?
and some tips, how to install it ;)

Posted by curaga on May 06 2007,13:14
DSL-N has it already, go get that...
Posted by sankarv on May 09 2007,07:18
we need one for dsl (pls no DSL-N here) since dsl is more developed one with lots and lots of packages.

although dsl is meant basically for old hardwares, being a distro it would be better for additional support to new hardwares as ppl are helpless with new hardwares with the 2.4 kernel of dsl, so if someone could make an extension of 2.6 kernel i think it would be a benefit for lot of people.

Posted by curaga on May 09 2007,14:26
Wasn't the whole point of DSL-N in adding a 2.6 kernel and more recent apps/libs?
Posted by lucky13 on May 09 2007,16:42
Quote (sankarv @ May 09 2007,03:18)
we need one for dsl (pls no DSL-N here) since dsl is more developed one with lots and lots of packages.

although dsl is meant basically for old hardwares, being a distro it would be better for additional support to new hardwares as ppl are helpless with new hardwares with the 2.4 kernel of dsl, so if someone could make an extension of 2.6 kernel i think it would be a benefit for lot of people.

Why do you need 2.6? Do you have hardware that's not yet officially supported in 2.4? If so, tell us what it is and perhaps someone can help you.

DSL isn't "meant" for old hardware, it just remains very friendly with older hardware compared to other distros due to its smaller size, its retention of the 2.4 kernel (which helps keep DSL small), etc. It works very well with newer hardware, too.

The 2.4 kernel is still actively developed, and it retains legacy support for hardware that 2.6 has dropped. Lots of hardware support and various innovations found in the 2.6 kernel have already been or are being backported to 2.4.

Posted by sankarv on May 10 2007,10:28
there is no support in latest dsl for SATA hardware (bcos of the kernel), thats why i said 2.6 extension (or perhaps atleast a supporting kernel extension)  will be helpful.
Posted by lucky13 on May 10 2007,12:25
You don't need 2.6 for SATA. SATA is supported in 2.4.27+, so perhaps the module can be included when the kernel is updated.

You also already have options if you want to use DSL and need SATA support. Read the changelog and search for SATA:
< http://damnsmalllinux.org/notes.html >

Posted by sankarv on May 11 2007,08:53
they have provided support for SATA in versions 2.0 and 2.1 of DSL. But with those versions is it possible to upgrade to the latest version (3.3) of DSL since the latest version has more advacements.... or can we include modules for SATA support to 3.3 version  of DSL explicitly. If so please tell how ?
Posted by lucky13 on May 11 2007,09:03
It depends what you want out of 3.3. I run DSL 2.1b on this computer. I haven't bothered upgrading to MurgaLua, etc. My computer works just fine.

Are you running a hard drive install or frugal?

Posted by Juanito on May 11 2007,12:00
Quote (curaga @ April 19 2007,15:38)
So, if anyone would have use for it, I could make it an extension.. So reply if you are interested..

I'd be interested in an outline of how you did it (for a frugal install) - then I could add support for some oddball stuff I do have, bluetooth, irda, pcmcia...

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on May 11 2007,13:24
sankarv: you may as well wait for a future release of DSL since roberts has indicated a kernel upgrade will probably be there.

I suppose your extension would be 2 parts?  A regular mydsl extension for the modules, and new minirt+kernel images?

Posted by curaga on May 11 2007,16:12
I decided not to do it. It really wouldn't be necessary.

hats: the modules are incompatible with 2.4.26, so there would be no use for 2 parts-style..

Juanito: Here's a short lineup. Ask if you need more ;)

Downloaded full source from kernel.org, then the patches for ntfs, supermount, and bootsplash, then got kernelsource.dsl, extracted only knoppix-patch and .config from there (needed those only)..
Juggled those around (applied patches except knoppix-patch, moved .config to my kernel dir etc..)

I did edit that knoppix patch around here (didn't like/need all the stuff it does....)
Then 'make menuconfig', disabling and enabling stuff, starting from DSL kernel config details.
After that, like told, applied knoppix patch. Then edited Makefile and .version (it looks cool, the internal kernel name is #1337).

make modules bzImage
make modules_install
upx --brute arch/i386/boot/bzImage
That ^ took about 150k off the kernel, and sped booting (it only affects the kernel decompression stage) with 3s
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/laxy-upxed
edited menu.lst, rebooted. That's pretty much it. I didn't fiddle with initrd for frugal/livecd 'cause I decided not to do the extension, but I could've done that too. Initrd would need a little tweaking (mostly replacing modules there with compatible (current) ones), I'd also tweaked it for speed...

Oh. I also think it's currently a gzipped ext2 image, I'd make it either ramfs/romfs/cramfs..

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on May 12 2007,02:12
Well you still would need those 2 parts, since you need to boot the new kernel.

Also, for my version of 2.4.34, I used the dsl.config from the DSL2.1's 2.4.31 sources, instead of the .config from 2.4.26
Why?  Some new stuff, ie sata modules etc. are already configured for you I suppose.

Posted by curaga on May 12 2007,08:57
hats: I meant they should be in one package, 'cause separation would be no use, kernel without modules doesn't do much... (unless it's static of course)
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