Supermount for user

Forum: HD Install
Topic: Supermount for user
started by: kreon28

Posted by kreon28 on May 22 2007,17:58

I cannot force supermount to be used also by user.
The supermount is working only if I am root.
My etc/fstab looks like that:
Code Sample

/dev/fd0 /floppy supermount auto,user,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/cdrom /cdrom supermount auto,fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0

Posted by curaga on May 23 2007,17:05
It should be like this:

none /floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,auto,user,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0
none /cdrom supermount dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660,--,auto,user,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0

Basicly it's
none  <mount point> supermount <supermountoptions>,--,<normal-options> 0 0

It's ok for you take my time, I'm having a good time..
Suggest you read < the supermount faq >

Posted by kreon28 on May 23 2007,17:51
Quote (curaga @ May 23 2007,13:05)
It should be like this:

none /floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,auto,user,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0
none /cdrom supermount dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660,--,auto,user,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0

Basicly it's
none  <mount point> supermount <supermountoptions>,--,<normal-options> 0 0

It's ok for you take my time, I'm having a good time..
Suggest you read < the supermount faq >


Thanx for the anwser...and well, I have read FAQ and not only that.
Anyway - I did as you say but now - even root can't "supermount"
To do that I have to:
Code Sample

#sudo mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom -t supermount -o /dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660

But as you can see it is not what we wanted

Posted by curaga on May 24 2007,12:37
Okay. How about this:

none /floppy supermount auto,dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,auto,user,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0
none /cdrom supermount auto,dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660,--,auto,user,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0

I just added "auto" to the start, maybe it'll work.. If it won't, try this too:

/dev/fd0 /floppy supermount auto,dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,auto,user,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0
/dev/cdrom /cdrom supermount auto,dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660,--,auto,user,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0

The point of "none" was that some buggy software doesn't work (like fuse) with supermount.. But if you don't use fuse, the later is ok too..

Posted by kreon28 on May 24 2007,16:12
Still nothing but I think it is not fstab fault! I checked lsmod and supermount is not loaded at all.
I pasted supermount in etc/modules and did depmod-a and update-modules but it did nothing.
When I do : modprobe supermount, the module is loaded but that is not remembered and after reboot supermount isn't loaded.
That's why fstab doesn't work and that is why it works only with:

#sudo mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom -t supermount -o /dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660

Posted by curaga on May 25 2007,13:20
Add "modprobe supermount" to your

Or build supermount in, not as a module...

Posted by kreon28 on May 25 2007,16:05
Here what I did, maybe someone could use it.
I put "sudo modprobe supermount" in opt/
but...fstab is read earlier so after logging to X, floppy and cdrom is not seen.
So, I pasted "mount /dev/cdrom" and "mount /dev/fd0" to .xinitrc and that helped.
Now supermout is working.
Thanx for your support!

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