Kernel Too Old

Forum: HD Install
Topic: Kernel Too Old
started by: blakhawkftp

Posted by blakhawkftp on Nov. 29 2004,01:15
I have an old IBM ThinkPad 760c with 2gb, very low RAM (probably about 16) and absolutely no OS on the hardrive.  Ive been using Hal91 aka Floppy Linux but I needed something a bit more permanent.  So Ive taken all the files from the CDROM and put them on the harddrive, and this is all while im using floppy linux.  Then when i execute, it stops immediately and says FATAL: Kernel Too Old.  Any ideas how to fix this?  Thank You
Posted by littlepenguin on Nov. 29 2004,01:59
First off, are you running from the floppy linux? If you are, the problem is almost definetely that when you use the floppy linux, DSL tries to use the kernel from the floppy linux, which is probably too old. Also, could you post the output of the command
Code Sample
uname -a

Second, have you ever considered a frugal install?

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Nov. 29 2004,04:01
the is designed for Toms Root Boot Linux.

Grab it < here > and try a Poorman's Install.


Posted by ico2 on Nov. 29 2004,15:35
with 16mb ram you could have some probs with x :s

welcome to the forums :)

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