Once booted, make mount HD read only?Forum: HD Install Topic: Once booted, make mount HD read only? started by: segfault Posted by segfault on Dec. 21 2004,11:48
I have a picture frame (old laptop) which I have a HD install on, is it possible to make the root partition '/' read only?I want to do this so I can switch it off without shutting it down. Any ideas? Is it possible to make the HD switch off all together once booted ? (all pictures are sucked over the network..) Cheers, ..segfault Posted by AwPhuch on Dec. 21 2004,16:11
In /etc/fstab I believe you can add the flag ,ro (read only) to all the automatic mount points...however I dont know if that the file isnt overwritten by the KNOPPIX starup script stuff at boot time Give it a shot and see if that works for you Brian AwPhuch Posted by segfault on Dec. 21 2004,21:52
Thanks,I should have given more info on what I have and havn't tried. I tried to mount / as ro in fstab, but it failed to boot (had to use cd to boot again and fix.. I have also tried to use 'mount -remount-oro/mnt/.....' but I get 'DeviceBusy' or similar. Cheers, ..segfault |