Boot from floppy, mount hda1/KNOPPIX

Forum: HD Install
Topic: Boot from floppy, mount hda1/KNOPPIX
started by: durbnpoisn

Posted by durbnpoisn on Jan. 01 2005,01:30
I'm trying to get DSL running on a laptop with no CDROM drive.  It's only a 500mhz, so Embedded is not an option.  It runs, but like molasses on a cold day (as they say),

What I want to do it boot up with the floppy (which works).  Then, mount the triple boot which is now sitting in the C:\KNOPPIX directory.

I had assumed that because one of the boot options is, "dsl fromhd=dev/hda1/"
I thought I could include the whole path and get it going.  Or, that it would find the KNOPPIX directory and go...  No dice.  It just keeps saying it can't find the Knoppix file system.

Any help here would be great.  Thanks.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 01 2005,03:22
Perhaps your post is only a typo...

When I boot , I use the syntax..

dsl fromhd=/dev/hda1

( or wherever your /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX file is.. )


Posted by durbnpoisn on Jan. 01 2005,14:33
But is you KNOPPIX directory on a FAT32 drive with Win98 as the boot?

My exact situation is this:
Drive format:  FAT32
Knoppix Directory:  c:/KNOPPIX
DSL Version:  Triple boot
Initial boot:  Floppy

Posted by roberts on Jan. 01 2005,16:12
Why use triple boot on a 500Mhz machine?
There is currently no boot floppy for triple boot, as was explained in the embedded thread. I have completed work on a 5-way boot version and the 4th way is with the standard boot floppy. The new 5-way will replace the triple boot. However for this machine I would just do a poorman's install, or net install and by pass the embeddded versions. 500Mhz is not capable of running qemu with acceptable performance.

Posted by durbnpoisn on Jan. 01 2005,17:10
Right...  But I was hoping I could do that without having to take the chance of killing my current OS.

Is that possible??

Posted by roberts on Jan. 01 2005,17:28
Yes, the original poorman's install. Just copy the single file /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX to your c:\ drive then use the standard boot floppy, with the syntax that you were trying to use. This would probably be the easiest for your particular situation. There are lots of posts about poorman's install.
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