HD-install howto grub-faq for iso boot from HD mbr

Forum: HD Install
Topic: HD-install howto grub-faq for iso boot from HD mbr
started by: melontree

Posted by melontree on Mar. 08 2005,15:25
HD-install howto grub-faq for iso boot from HD mbr (no floppy no cdrom no usb)

here is my advice to get grub into the mbr masterbootrecord
and to copy the compressed dsl to hd and get it running from hd
copy some mydsl files to / as you like, really cool

key words
mbr grub install faq howto dual boot frugal poorman step by step compressed iso image

all i wanted was booting the 50 meg DSL-image directly from hd
no floppy, no cdrom.

Copy the DSL-boot-cdrom to hd with frugal
or simply with mc or emelfm from cdrom to hda2
(i used hda2, before i tried with hdC, a lot of pointers point to A,
so i rewired the disk from slot 2 to slot 1 like most of readers allready have)

in my environment all grub advices and manuals
both in dsl forum here (node 135) and on grub man pages
< http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/talk/node/135 >
simply DID NOT WORK, (i assume wrong pointers)
the grub boot-disk boots, but DOES NOT WRITE MBR TO HD
after n hours of trying i found this glue solution:

1. boot with knoppix (i used 3.4)
(((or try grub.dsl booted , instead of qtparted use cfdisk file type 83)))
2. run a terminal box
3. >sudo su
4. >qtparted
5. format the first partition with ext2  (maybe not necessary, try to skip)
6. save with disk button and exit qtparted
7. >sudo su
8. >mc
9. create directory /boot/grub on first partition
9. Command Find file from / search the file     stage1
10. copy all files you find into /boot/grub on first partition

your directory /boot/grub/  should list



11. create or cut and paste the following lines into the file /boot/grub/menu.lst


default 0
timeout 20

# less options still booting, from second partition hda2 renumber it to (hd0,1)

title DSLinux from hda2 "edit kernel line prior boot with your favorite f2 options known from cdboot" frugal or cdrom isoimage files copied with mc
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/isolinux/linux24 dsl base toram lang=de
initrd /boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz

# Now make entries for your other OSes, like windows. For eample...

title DSLinux frugal or cdrom isoimage files copied with mc
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/isolinux/linux24 root=/dev/hdc4
initrd /boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz

# Now make entries for your other OSes, like windows. For example...not tested

title Windows
root (hd0,2)
chainloader +1


12. terminal box
13. >sudo su
14. grub
15. root (hd0,0)
16. setup (hd0)

now a lot of hex pages appeared i had to confirm writing the mbr
(((before i read for hours erroneus 1 line error messages, no mbr write)))

17. quit

18. pull out the floppy, pull out the cd, hd should boot!

-----------cdrecord mini howto for burning a iso file on cd or dvd with DSLinux
sudo su
((( mc or emelfm from root )))
((( copy all you want to burn (empty it before) to /var/tmp/burn )))

((( wow this cdburner has an integrated isobuster! )))
((( bug: it worked only in multisession mode all well except for boot cds )))
----------- end of minifaq ------

----more complex ---

cdrecord -help
cdrecord -scanbus
cdrecord dev=help
cdrecord dev=0,0,0 -eject
((( now the tray opens and closes, if there and proper addressed )))

cdrecord dev=0,0,0 -isosize -waiti -dummy  /mnt/hda1/downloads/grub.iso
((( -dummy option prior burning for test, press enter, nothing burns )))

cdrecord dev=0,0,0 -isosize -waiti /mnt/hda1/downloads/grub.iso

cdrecord dev=0,0,0   -multi -dummy -waiti /mnt/hda1/burn2cd/drive2/grub.dsl

((( single files only, append mode multisession )))

((( or create the BashBurn.iso with the cdburner app and burn it manually see bug above)))
cdrecord dev=0,0,0   -dummy -isosize -waiti /ramdisk/var/tmp/burn/BashBurn.iso

further infos (currently i am stuck burning a CHANGED iso, dsl bashburner 1.3 has bugs creating a changed iso, but is goot to view or burn an existing iso)
Damn Small Linux Board » Damn Small Linux » myDSL Extensions  MyDSL Maker (Pages 1 2 3 ..11 )
< http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....27;st=0 >
< http://www.nolifeline.com/mydslmkr.html >

iso change? maybe here is my mkisofs solution, i ll test this
Damn Small Linux Board » Damn Small Linux » HowTos » ReMastering HOWTO for DSL
< http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....;t=1806 >

Posted by samael99 on Mar. 15 2005,12:14
Hi Folks

here is how i did a grub install (after trying above method and failing somehow):

1) create 2 partitions (i use hda1 + hda2 in my example here) on your targeted HD
2) frugal_install DSL to hda1.  
    If you want to use frugal_install.sh copy it to /ramdisk first and
    remove last line reading "reboot" - we do not  want a reboot right
3) mount both partitions
3) enter "mydsl_load /path/to/grub.dsl" or use your favourite way of
    getting mydsl extensions
    ( look for downloading grub.dls in mydsl_testing )
4) input  "grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hda1 /dev/hda"
   ( This will install  grub into mbr of hda and creates /boot/grub/ in
      hda1 and all necessary files )
5) edit /boot/grub/grub.conf as needed
    Section for DSL as shown above , root will be "root (hd0,0)" for my
6) make menu.lst a symbolic link to grub.conf:
    enter "ln -s grub.conf menu.lst" in /boot/grub

Reboot fingers-crossed

Posted by samael99 on Mar. 15 2005,12:17
Small hint if rebooting worked for you:

To change anything on the partition you boot DSL from, issue "mount -o remount,rw /cdrom"
This re-mounts your boot partition writeable

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