Kismet installForum: HD Install Topic: Kismet install started by: spotslayer Posted by spotslayer on April 16 2005,22:33
I am trying to install kismet from a tarball. I am having a problem during the configure. The ./configure fails with a line complaining that it can't find libcurses or libncurses. I have checked and I seem to have all the needed files in the system. I have seen this before when I was using SuSE and I needed the -devel package. I see the files that I expect to be there. This is my first dsl HD installation. Any ideas.David Posted by cbagger01 on April 17 2005,04:22
Are you sure that you have the development libraries?The files should have an .a suffix. Posted by spotslayer on April 17 2005,13:46
I don't have access to my laptop right now, but here is what I found after a little more hacking around. I ran apt-get from a command line and the results were something like this. Libncurses5-dev depends libncurses5 2.2 but installed is libncurses5 2.3. The older version dev will not install with the newer libncurses5. I am not use to debian style of install yet as I have been using SuSE for a couple of years. ![]() D Posted by clacker on April 17 2005,16:51
spotslayer, I think you might need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file. Change the uncommented line from "stable" to "unstable" and apt-get install libncurses5-dev should be OK. The default is stable, but many of the things in dsl are from the unstable packages, so when you try to install some things apt-get complains. You will need to do this as root. Try sudo beaver /etc/apt/sources.list
Posted by spotslayer on April 17 2005,19:08
Thank's Clacker! That got me past the ./configure. Now I have pcap issues during the make. I need to hack at that for a while and see if I can resolve it myself before I get into specifics. I notice there is a kismet.dsl in the repository. It doesn't seem to work in my setup. I want to try and stay with dsl so I can use a couple of 266mhz laptops I have. I have done SuSE for such a long time I am just not use to doing things a new way. It keep my mind fresh though. D |