Removing and adding icons and menu items?

Forum: HD Install
Topic: Removing and adding icons and menu items?
started by: aelvion

Posted by aelvion on April 25 2004,12:33
HD Install went perfectly.

Now, How do I add and/or remove icons from the desktop.

Also, How can I remove, add, reorder the fluxbox menu items?


Posted by hasty on April 25 2004,13:27
Icons reside in ~/.xtdesktop and can easily be fiddled with. Theres a link file for placement, title & position and an image file (icon) for each item.

Frankly icons are messy and detract from the awesome beauty of the sparse desktop :)
Whats the point of a minimalist distro when you harbour unnecessary eye candy which obscures the wallpaper?

Flux menu is also very easy to change, but I suggest you back up the existing one before you start as it's easy to mess it up (lost brackets aren't always easy to spot).
Just open emelfm and look at the menu file under ~/.fluxbox and read the top few lines. Do as it says and you can edit either in scite or MC. Scite is easier as you can save and right click on the desktop to immediately see the effect while keeping the menu open for editing.

A good menu is the key to a good desktop as you can make all your principal apps fall under the mouse. As a rough rule of thumb, those you use frequently place on the top & leave the rest under general groups.

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