partitioning and formatingForum: HD Install Topic: partitioning and formating started by: avenger Posted by avenger on Sep. 24 2005,14:58
My hard drive is swiped. I created three partitions inb cfdisk hda1 primary bootable 80mgs, hda2 home 3000mgsand hda5 swap 512mgs I wrote the partion table that went alright,then I tried to format the drives with mkefs/dev/hda1 I geta illegal command. So I wrote quit and pressed enter to get out of cfsdisk and it says reboot to acknowledge your new partition table. I reboot I see hda2 and hda5 but no hda1. It says to mount hda2 and hda5 when I try to mount the two partitions with the rtoot command , I get no such command. What am I doing wrong
Posted by green on Sep. 24 2005,15:39
Try it with:mkfs /dev/hdax where x = partition number instead of: mkefs/dev/hdax Posted by avenger on Sep. 24 2005,17:35
When I try to format my partions if cfdisk I get an illegal activity. I triedmke2fs/dev/hda# and mkfs/dev/hda# the shutdown command won't work so I typed reboot and that works. After the reboot Itried to format my partitions again after the root command no such command. My hda2 home and my swap partition hda5 are mentioned on the screen as unmounted but I can't see the hda1 partition. It could be my home and swap partitions are alright. It's hda 1 partition that's got me worried. I opened cfdisk and the the partion table is there the way I wrote it with the exception of the type I wrote type 83 but but type 82 is written on the table. I've read everything I could about linux partitioning but I can't find anything about this'
Posted by Multitudes on Sep. 24 2005,20:30
Partition type 82 is a linux swap partition.You can change the partition type from cfdisk. Multitudes ![]() Posted by avenger on Sep. 25 2005,02:51
This is what I'm getting on the screenFAT:bogus logical sector size 0 VFS:Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 03:02 mount:you must specify the filesystem type umount:/mnt/hda2:not mounted FAT:Bogus logical sector size 0 VPS:Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 3:05 mount:you must specify the filesystem type mount:you must specify the filesystem type unmount:/mnt/hda5: not mounted Somehow I'm losing my hda1 partiton when I reboot and I can't format mke2fs or mkfs
Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 25 2005,05:50
I advise to open an xterminal window and typesudo su cfdisk /dev/hda (then set up your 1st partition for Linux, write, exit and reboot) sudo su mkfs -t ext2 /dev/hda1 exit exit reboot again and your newly formatted partition should be autodetected. Posted by avenger on Sep. 26 2005,04:09
Thanks I'll give it a try.
Posted by avenger on Sep. 26 2005,04:11
how do you open an xterminal window?
Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 27 2005,04:16
Umm..Single-click or double-click on the "XTerminal" desktop icon. Or right-click on some unused part of the desktop and choose: XShells -> Dark from the main menu. Posted by avenger on Sep. 29 2005,02:49
I forgot to mention I booted dsl 1.5 in dsl2 text mode, thanks for the help