USB boot with floppy or CD help

Forum: HD Install
Topic: USB boot with floppy or CD help
started by: ergun

Posted by ergun on Aug. 30 2004,10:38
Hello everyone.

I have a little question:

How can I boot from USB if my motherboard doesn`t provide this feature?

I ask this because Mandrake Linux just came out with something named GlobeTrotter , this is the link
< >
and there it is somethin about a tiny CD who can help you to boot from USB  even if your motherboar doesn`t provide this

I have 2 USb stick`s and 1 USB hard drive.
I want to install Dan Small Linux or other distro and boot on any computer where I go even if the computer doesn`t provide de requested function.

Please help.

With all do my respect ,


Posted by roberts on Aug. 30 2004,15:17
Yes, you can use the usb boot floppy prodived here: < >
Or, you can use the DSL 0.8.x CD and use the boot options
boot: dsl fromhd=/dev/sda1

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