wake up netcard!

Forum: HD Install
Topic: wake up netcard!
started by: arslan

Posted by arslan on Oct. 12 2005,10:45
I've installed DSL to HD and connected it to a Windows LAN. Everything works perfectly, I see other machines in the network and have access to the Net, but everytime I turn on the computer I have to go through the netcardconfig again -- no changes are needed, I just have to confirm with a series of OKs the values already there (except for the first value, broadcast for IP, that is a NO -- I tried OK on that one too, but it wouldn't work). Without that, I can't access the LAN (nor the Net). When I do that, everything's OK.

Is there a way to make all this happen automagically when the computer starts, without my intervention? Do I need to put some script somewhere?



Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 12 2005,14:10



Posted by arslan on Oct. 13 2005,12:57
been there, done that -- it still won't work, I still have to run netcardconfig manually. Any ideas?



Posted by jimbo62 on Oct. 13 2005,19:14
You need to edit /etc/network/interfaces.

Mine looks like:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet dhcp
           wireless-essid wireless-1
           wireless-key 9876216799

ifup eth0

Good luck, jimbo

Posted by arslan on Oct. 19 2005,12:46
I tried this too, but to no avail again. My /etc/network/interfaces goes like this:


# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# The loopback interface
# automatically added when upgrading
auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static


and that's the end of it. I tried running emelfm as superuser and adding the following two lines at the end:

ifup eth0

then I saved the file and rebooted, but after the reboot the changes to the file were not present (even though Beaver reported file saved OK).

Would it be possible that the problem is in automatic DHCP broadcast that gets sent to the background during the boot sequence? Would turning that off help (if so, how do I do it)? I am asking this because the first thing I do in netcardconfig is answer NO to "Use DHCP broadcast?"


Posted by jimbo62 on Oct. 19 2005,23:24
Well, it is "auto lo", not "auto lo eth0". And the last line in the file MUST be ifup eth0, IF your interface shows up when you execute ifconfig -a as eth0.

Finally, try this:  Add these lines after:  "iface lo inet loopback"

mapping hotplug
             script grep
             map eth0

Good luck, jimbo

Posted by arslan on Oct. 20 2005,13:13
IF your interface shows up when you execute ifconfig -a as eth0.

It does.

Finally, try this:

Tried it, still nothing.

I give up now. What the heck, I'll just keep netcardconfigure-ing manually every time.

Thank you jimbo62 and SaidinUnleashed for your time and effort.


Posted by sib on Oct. 20 2005,18:05

I had exactly the same problem as you have, and thanks to this thead, I've solved it.
The missing bit was in the FAQ link given earlier. As you guessed, you need to deactivate DHCP broadcast, by starting DSL with the "nodhcp" cheatcode.
The easiest way is to add this to lilo.conf (last parameter):
Code Sample
# append=""
append="hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi hde=scsi hdf=scsi hdg=scsi hdh=scsi apm=power-off nomce noapic nodhcp"

I hope this helps, as your thread helped me ;-)


Posted by arslan on Oct. 21 2005,13:06
Yes, that solves the problem! Great, thank you Ben!

I disregarded the "Boot the CD..." part in the FAQ because I don't boot from the CD... Silly me. :)

For the benefit of other newbies with the same problem:

1) lilo.conf is located in etc/ (took me some time to find it! :) )

2) after making changes to this file one must run the comand "lilo" as root ("sudo lilo" in my case) so that the system takes notice of the changes made (the first time I failed to do it and during the reboot DHCP broadcast was still there)

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