Changing root from hde1 to hda5

Forum: HD Install
Topic: Changing root from hde1 to hda5
started by: akuma6099

Posted by akuma6099 on Jan. 05 2004,03:45
ok So Dsl is the best distro I've ran into so far and I wanted to keep it that way. Heres the delema. I have a 5Gig pcmcia harddrive that is recognized as /dev/hde. I have a Sony vaio r505dl with no Docking station (you have no idea what I had to go through to dual boot redhat and xp without cdrom or floppy). What I did was booted dsl on my thinkpad and did a dsl-hdinstall /dev/hde1. I copied all the contents from hde1 to the vaio's hda5, setup lilo to boot vmlinuz.... Unfortunatly it wants to mount /dev/hde1 as root when I need hda5. Is there a script I should of edited? I understand why its doing that, just don't know where to look to fix it. Any Help would be appreciated. If your asking y I need dsl when I have redhat, is because dsl doesn't take an hour to install if I mess up :D
Posted by pipo on Jan. 31 2004,23:12
To make a dual (or multi) boot on a NT, 2000 or XP system, you have to modify a file called boot.ini located under C:\ (this is a read-only file, you must first change the rights).
content of a boot.ini for dualboot :
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professionnel" /fastdetect

In bold the line I added to start an other OS (here DSL)

In that example you have to create a file called c:\bootsect.tux. This file is 512 bytes only.
This file is a copy of the bootsector generated by lilo.
If you have generated your boot sector, with lilo, on the drive hda5, you generate bootsect.tux like this (under linux)
dd if=/dev/hda5 of=/mnt/hda1/bootsect.tux bs=512 count=1
(I have supposed that the windows XP C: is mounted as /mnt/hda1)

I'm not sure having understood all your explanations about booting.
Your file /etc/lilo.conf is not correct.
try to insert
in the file,
so it will stop when booting,
you can then try to precise
If it's correct, you may modify lilo.conf
easy ? isnt'it?

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