dsl-hdinstall ?

Forum: HD Install
Topic: dsl-hdinstall ?
started by: drx456

Posted by drx456 on Mar. 24 2004,05:06
I choose the "Enhance install" and answer the "yes". I will see the "Do you wish to proceed with the standard install" message. What it is meaning?

If I answer "yes" to "Do you currently have a working internet connection" what happen with the installation?

Posted by roberts on Mar. 24 2004,08:09
Most of the prompts have an example of what the script expects. It is consistent with all the prior versions of dsl-hdinstall. In other words, if you see (y/...) then answering by typing only the letter y if you mean yes, anything else will mean otherwise. The standard install is the same as the liveCD, i.e., the smaller version. Enhanced means the full size GNU utilities will be restored. If the internet connection cannot fetch the utilites then you can choose to proceed with the Standard install
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