
Forum: HD Install
Topic: Locale
started by: numknuf

Posted by numknuf on May 09 2004,19:19
How can I add locales?
I tried with synaptic but it didn't work. I need to use the ISO-8859-1 locale (specifically norway) so that I'll get unicode support for filenames in java.

Posted by numknuf on May 10 2004,10:12
I was finally able to solve this problem.

Here's how to do it:

> get /usr/share/i18n from knoppix (I started knoppix and transfered to my samba share on DSL)
> mkdir /usr/lib/locale (needed this or localedef wouldn't complete succesfully)
> localedef -c -v -i en_GB -f ISO-8859-1 en_GB (this gives me unicode so I am happy) :D
> LANG=en_GB.ISO-8859-1

It works but there are some warnings with localedef... that is why I use the -c option. I hope someone can help me with those...

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