XM Radio Online with DSL 2.0?Forum: Multimedia Topic: XM Radio Online with DSL 2.0? started by: intutor Posted by intutor on Dec. 10 2005,03:55
Has anyone tried to use the XM Radio Online (XMRO) service using thecapabilities of DSL 2.0? I'm an avid user of XM and I've been using it's online streaming portion of it's service on Windows but now I'd like to use DSL2.0 if possible. In my research on the various XM message boards such as xm411.com and xmfan.com it seems that there's a potential combination of Linux apps that could work together to access XMRO (Firefox, Mplayer, Mplayer-plugin, Macromedia Flash plug-in), but I can't seem to get to work. I always seem to come to a dead-end with complaints from the on-line player stating that I've got missing plug-ins and no music being played. Any feedback or pointers from people who've been successful....it would be greatly appreciated. Again, I'm looking for a way to use existing DSL resources, not to compile anything new to get it to work. I'm such a newb. :-) Thanks, intutor Posted by UnderARock on Dec. 11 2005,20:18
I wasn't able to get it to work either. If you follow the links from "install missing plugin" it is seems like it's just looking for Windows Media Player. I installed mplayer and mplayerplug-in which should handle that, but with no results. I then read that mplayer-plugin was happier with gtk2 so I installed gtk2 and firefox-gtk2 with mydsl. But I couldn't get that firefox to run unless I became root and manually launched from the opt/firefox-gtk2-1.0.4 directory (it always wanted to run the 1.0.6 that came with the live CD). And even with that I got a lot of UTF-8 font translation errors. I eliminated these by installing GNU utils from mydsl. Now I was just left with pixbuf and pango errors. I fixed the latter by running pango-querymodules and dumping the results in /etc/pango/pango.modules, where firefox seemed to be looking for it. At this point firefox-gtk would run, still with pixbuf errors (which I don't see an easy way to fix like with the pango problem), but it would launch a window. And now when I went to the XM site it loaded up and instead of a missing plugin said that it was streaming mms://something-or-other-akamai.net which seems like it's very close. But it never actually received the stram and played any music. Oh, well, I tried. ![]() |