
Forum: Multimedia
Topic: Podcast
started by: wharris107

Posted by wharris107 on Dec. 26 2005,20:30
I have been using ipodder on my winbox and I know they are eventually going to have it available for Linux but its unknown when. Does anyone know if there is anything that will work on DSL.
Posted by roberts on Dec. 26 2005,22:06
I find that most podcasts are audio mp3's which xmms plays fine.
For example, I am sure there are many, www.mirpod.com
Look for the podcasts directory button. Browse, what might you like.
Then follow the link to their website and look for a link of the mp3 usually labelled download.
Click that link and FF will download and launch xmms to play it. Or right click to save as for later.

Posted by dare2dreamer on Dec. 27 2005,08:58
You might have a look at bashpodder. It's a very simple but useful shell script that handles automatic podcast downloading. The only problem is, as far as I know, DSL has no cron-style scheduling functionality to make it run automatically.

Perhaps you could write a looping script that waits for a specified length of time and then runs your commands. Hmmm, that might be a cool idea for DSL overall.

< http://linc.homeunix.org:8080/scripts/bashpodder/ >

Posted by wharris107 on Dec. 27 2005,17:55
Thanks guys Ill try these ideas
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