epia 5000 as a MP3/torrent machineForum: Multimedia Topic: epia 5000 as a MP3/torrent machine started by: lordmozilla Posted by lordmozilla on Jan. 24 2006,15:25
helloi have gotten an EPIA 5000 system complete with 256mb ram 20gb fudjitsu 2.5" HDD 1U 170W (now fanless PSU) and a usb to serial converter. 1U polished aluminium case i didnt choose the specs i got it free so hell dont bother saying you shoul dhave bought sommit better LOL i have installed SuSE linux 10 wich i run using black box with Ktorrent and Amarok and Firefox. those are the only programs intend to use on it with SSH and VNC. i looked into DSL becuase suse is abit slow for such a machine howver there are a few issues i have found with DSL. i have booted from a live cd that i attached temporarily to the machine. However when tryng to install to a 128mb flashdisk (Transcend FlashJet 128mb (also free ![]() anyways apart frm that id like to install DSL on the hdd, but is it possible to get a torrent client, a web browser and a music player on DSL ? i didnt try music play back but i dont like XMMS much , i prefer Juk and amarok but these do not seem to be in DSL. also i would need a torrent client, and although i do not like ktorrent much and use azureus on win2k i saw someone talk of utorrent and wonder if thats good. also i know azureus for linux exists. Is there a MyDSL apps for juk/amarok and utorrent/azureus/Ktorrent ? also if their are appz that are better or that you people prefer than the ones i have listed and are available id be glad to hear about those. thx for any advice |