I Have No gAIM.........Forum: Multimedia Topic: I Have No gAIM......... started by: linuxfan Posted by linuxfan on Jan. 24 2006,23:29
Hi, All,I d/l and installed gAIM; the version I got was v0.58. The plugins I'm using are msn and yahoo. It won't connect to the internet, and synaptic says that there are no newer versions available. Anyone else have probs with it? How did you fix it? Update - My dsl system borked itself..... long story short, I had to wipe and re-install. I set it up to Deb standard, and gave Synaptic the shove (I'm thinking that it was what caused the borkage). Anyway, I brought up apt-get, ran update, and upgrade. after that, I installed Gaim. It installed version 0.58, saying that that is the latest version available. I can't get it to work, (keeps telling me that the protocals are unsupported). I went to Gaim's website, and they are saying that they are up to 1.5. Does anyone know why apt-get is pushing such an old version?! Thanks, Steve ![]() Posted by cmanb on Jan. 25 2006,17:06
May I humbly suggest just loading the ayttm.dsl extension as an alternative to gAIM?Otherwise, your post seems to imply that you are running a hd install, updated to a full debian system. Is that the case? Posted by linuxfan on Jan. 26 2006,04:09
cmanb,Yes, that is the case. I followed the istall tutorial on the 'Getting Started' page for the HD install, then istalled the Debian enhancements that it recommended. Thanks, Steve Posted by Red04Bull on Jan. 26 2006,04:16
heres what u douse the dsl extionsion browser and go to gtk2 and get the gtk2 lib and gaim in that section(its a newer version) load um up and your good to go Posted by linuxfan on Jan. 29 2006,03:53
I tried it; now gAIM won't even load at all....... EDIT- Ok, I got gAIM to load, but I still can't get it to connect to the net. I goes to connect, then sits there for 5 minutes before erroring out saying it could not connect. Does dsl have any kind of firewall or anything else that could be blocking it? Thanks, Steve Posted by Gary on Feb. 03 2006,17:39
Thank you for this suggestion ![]() Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Feb. 03 2006,17:51
There is also an aim.dsl < here. > It's never been test ed on a hdd install, but it should work.