Yet another no sound problem, MSI 480m2-IL inbuiltForum: Multimedia Topic: Yet another no sound problem, MSI 480m2-IL inbuilt started by: Reidy- Posted by Reidy- on May 07 2006,10:09
Hi just been messing about with my first ever linux OS on my PC when eventually after about 28 hours i realised there was no sound ![]() I have tryed a few combos for drivers off other posts but to no avail my mobo is an MSI MS480M2-IL and MSI offer no linux drivers to DL off their website. I dont realy know where to start as most of the sollutions on the forum are for laptops if you need anyinfo please just ask. p.s I cannot give you anyinfo from what is said when you type in for example sudo modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330 because I do not know how to cut/copy and paste from the terminal cheers, Aaron Posted by cbagger01 on May 08 2006,04:43
Maybe give the alsadebs.dsl extension from the MyDSL repository a try. Be sure to follow the instructions from the *.info file.
Posted by piccolo on May 08 2006,11:37
I believe ALSA is easy to install and run very well using DSL from LiveCD but is hardly to install correctly on DSL installed to hard disk. Then before you try to install the ALSA driver, try if you can get sound using the sndconfig utility.You download sndconfig, so: 1. Is a Debian utility then you need enable APT (if was not enable before): Apps >> Tools >> Enable Apt 2. Open ATerminal and write commands: dsl@box:~$ sudo su root@box:/home/dsl# apt-get update 3. After the process is finished, download the Debian utility package. root@box:/home/dsl# apt-get install sndconfig 4. Execute the utility with the option --noprobe so: root@box:/home/dsl# sndconfig --noprobe With the driver that sndconfig assigns by defect, choose between the different resource assignation combinations (irq, dma, port) 5. Testing: Launch XMMS player. Click rightbutton over XMMS Click to "Play Location" and write: tone://1000 Click OK You should hear a 1000 Hz tone, if all went well. If fails return to 4 step to change and to try other combination. Posted by piccolo on May 08 2006,11:50
Try sndconfig utility, so:1. Is a Debian utility then you need enable APT (if was not enable before): Apps >> Tools >> Enable Apt 2. Open ATerminal and write commands: dsl@box:~$ sudo su root@box:/home/dsl# apt-get update 3. After the process is finished, download the Debian utility package. root@box:/home/dsl# apt-get install sndconfig 4. Execute the utility: root@box:/home/dsl# sndconfig The utility automatically do the configuration and play a sound sample. Posted by piccolo on May 08 2006,12:03
Sorry, my second post is similar to the first post by a mistake during the "copy and paste" operation. Only I want remark that executing sndconfig without the --noprobe option as on 4 step from my second post the utility does an automatic configuration.
Posted by Reidy- on May 08 2006,16:18
hi thanks for all the info picollo it all works fine untill I try and test any of the drivers i just get the following informationthe following error occured running the modprobe program: /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o failed /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: insmod sound-slot-0 failed and also for the auto config no driver is found Model: unknown vendor unknown device 1002:4370 so i have not a clue waht to do from here in any sujestions cheers, Aaron P.S thnx picolo or the detailed bit of help, the extra bit of detail does make a big differnce Posted by piccolo on May 08 2006,19:21
In Linux there are two families or type sound drivers: ALSA and OSS drivers. DSL install by defect drivers from OSS type.Also sndconfig try to install a OSS drive but in your case sndconfig utility is useless because sndconfig do not know the sound controller. Perhaps not exist a OSS driver for that sound controller but fortunately exist a ALSA driver.
That signify the sound controller is IXP SB400 from ATI vendor according to I read here.< ATI ALSA drivers > Then returning to that said cbagger01 you must try ALSA. I suggest first do so: Install ALSA, but do all booting DSL from the LiveCD. 1. Boot from DSL CD with the boot option "dsl alsa" 2. Install the 3 following MyDSL extensions: -gnu-utils.dsl -dsl-dpkg.dsl -If your DSL is v2.0 or v2.1 then install alsa.dsl, else install alsadebs.dsl. (IMPORTANTE: Choose the correct file for your DSL version or the ALSA driver not will work) 3. Execute the script ALSA install by go to MyDSL -> ALSA menu. 4. Try play sound All that is lost when the computer reboot but if you have success then I will say how to do permanent the configuration. Posted by pradi on July 28 2006,12:56
My DSL Laptop also quiet. When i follow this command..------------------------------------------------------------- Open ATerminal and write commands: dsl@box:~$ sudo su ------------------------------------------ Why I get ... bash-2.05b# instead of this root@box:/home/dsl# --------------------------------------------------- Who get the same result like me? I install Frugal on SonyPCG-505G with syslinux.iso. Sorry for Noop question. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on July 29 2006,01:18
Reidy-: Use select with the left mouse button and paste with the middle button.Pradi: the .bash_profile is probably different or not loaded (maybe a login shell is needed), thats all. It doesn't matter though, its just a cosmetic thing - you still have root access. Posted by pradi on July 29 2006,03:01
Thanx ^thehatsrule^ I use Ubuntu and now DSL on Old Laptop. My DSL seem allow me to config nothing on it. It always fresh everytime of new booting. My question posted bookmarks in Firefox also clear. Also in bash shell, all files are opened as read only. I cannot continue to config sound. PS. It also promt for login after su box login: root has been input but reflected by login incorect msg. Which is the best method of hdd install? Now I use Frugal Install for further upgradable,I understand right? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on July 29 2006,03:36
Yes, frugals were meant to be fresh at every boot. You can configure it by using the backup features, myDSL, persistent drives, etc.For sound, it depends on your chipset. Which one do you have? You might need to use alsa. Login shells do not refer to having to log in. See < > Posted by pradi on Aug. 01 2006,08:00
Thank you very much. Yes advise will guide me to go more Linux world. ![]() |