Xine/Mplayer and unresolved dependanciesForum: Multimedia Topic: Xine/Mplayer and unresolved dependancies started by: Tim Posted by Tim on Aug. 26 2006,11:27
heh, back to pulling my hair out I guess!Anyway, I was trying to get xine/mplayer (or anything!) installed on my newly DSL'd Laptop - as I basically want to use it for watching dvd-rips on the train (long story..) Having done a hard-drive install and then done the GNU-Utils install & Apt install, as well as the codecs .dsl from the repo's I tried the following:
Only to be greeted with a whole heap of dependancies, which were refusing to install, thus:
I was wondering partially what this meant, IE do I need to install all those, or should I be trying to install xine some other way? Many thanks, Tim Posted by Tim on Aug. 26 2006,11:56
Sorted it..I re-read the output and then realised I had set the unstable release in my /etc/apt/souces.list - a quick nano later and I re-set the apt sources to stable.. apt-get-install xine-ui as before et voila! Sorry - perhaps I should read/think slightly harder before I post! Tim Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 26 2006,18:48
You could've saved some time by using myDSL's various mplayer and xine packages... :P
Posted by Tim on Aug. 26 2006,21:20
So I've now learnt!Neither of them work though, which-ever way I install.. Not sure if this is due to my hardware (eminantly possible - this laptop is a good 6+ years old) or merely due to lacking codecs. I'll keep trying though as they (one or the other) are effectivly all I want to use the laptop for. To be fair, I'd do a windows install if I had a 98 disk lurking about, but I've always wanted to give Linux a proper go and DSL is thus-far the best I've come across. Tim Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 26 2006,22:57
Which ones don't work? Both myDSL's mplayer and xine work out of the box, though I regularly use mplayer for video hardware acceleration with the xv output plugin via the XFree86.dsl package - and this is on 8+ year old hardware.Though I'm not sure, perhaps the installation of your xine from apt is conflicting somehow... but as long as something is working the way you like it, its all good ![]() Posted by Tim on Aug. 27 2006,09:23
No, it won't be conflicting, came to the conclusion I'd messed things up sufficiently to do a fresh install! Mplayer I can't get to run from the desktop, not yet tried from the command line. This will sound really daft, but I'm kind of waiting until I can see my windows network (samba?) before trying it out (basically becouse all my mpeg/avi files are on my win computer). Thankfully I remembered how to get my USB wireless card working, so I can at least connect to the net and continue to use google/forums.. When I've sussed out how to see and get files from my win network, I'll post again!Thanks, Tim Posted by evilbstrd666 on Sep. 24 2006,22:33
Another thing I can recommend - even being a rookie like I am - the codecpack.dsl located in the System repository will help with not having the right codec almost every time..... so much easier than getting my windows box, which you either have to go to a million different codec sites or hope Media Player is smart enough to grab them.....
Posted by spmcg on Oct. 02 2006,07:30
I can't get mplayer to work "out of the box". Using DSL3.0, fresh install. Run MyDSL, select mplayer (the correct one, there are three), it downloads, it says its installing, it puts an icon on my desktop and two (!) menu items under MyDSL in the menu. But click on any of those and nothing happens. Entering "gmplayer" in terminal gets "Illegal instruction". WTH? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 03 2006,13:07
For those who wish to follow spmcg's post, please see <;st=5 >